The Creek Family includes friends and readers who’ve joined us on the journey through twelve books and over 1000 blog posts. You’re welcome to join the Creek Family. Here are some ways you can be involved:
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Holding the Rope
It’s one of our favorite analogies: holding the rope in prayer. William Carey, one of our earliest Baptist missionaries, shared with his friends and church before leaving for South Asia: “I’m willing to go down in the well if you’ll hold the rope.”
During our three years in Africa, so many of you “held the rope” through prayer, support, and visits.
Even though we’re back in America, our hearts are still connected to how God is working in Africa.

Listed below are several ways you can continue to be involved on the Continent:
- Pray for our Chadan Team. This group is focused on South Sudan, Chad, and their borderlands. Due to the instability of these regions, many of our personnel live and work in adjacent countries.
- Pray for peace in South Sudan. The Civil War, now dragging into its third year, has devastated our country.
- Pray for the Gospel in Chad. This strong Islamic country has both great opportunities and challenges for the Gospel of Isa. (Isa is the name Muslims used for Jesus).
- Please remember DeDe and I as we adjust to life (again) in America. We are glad to be “home” but are finding daily challenges in this new season of our life.

5 Steps to Engaging an Unreached Unengaged People Group*

Jumbo Baptist Church in South Sudan. This church is planting churches in the neighbouring villages. Engagement is the process where an American church comes alongside churches like Jombu.
Jumbo Baptist Church in South Sudan. This church is planting churches in the neighbouring villages. Engagement is the process where an American church comes alongside churches like Jombu.
1. Begin praying for an Unreached People Group.
Our Engagement Team is happy to help you look at options.
You can also consult these excellent resources at :
If God is leading your church toward focused prayer on one group, you’ll move forward.

2. Prayerfully adopt a People Group/Region/Village to pray for.
Attend an IMB-sponsored Base Camp.
Our South Sudan team will make sure “boots on the ground” research is done on your group. If we discover the group you’re praying for is actually “reached”, we’ll praise God together and help select another group!
We hope churches will move beyond Step 2 but know that focused prayer by God’s people will bear fruit.

3. Become an expert on your People Group.
- Internet research
Find your group in a nearby major city and begin ministry.
We will help make a “virtual prayer walk” to guide your church’s praying.
4. Make a Vision Trip to your People Group.
Your church will send 2-4 members on a two-week trip to your group.
We encourage the pastor/or key staff member to be on team.
Our Engagement Team will assist your team leader in planning and guiding your trip.

5. Make a church decision to adopt an Unreached Group.
Your vision team will report to the church after which an official church decision to adopt a group can/will be made.
Key Engaging Church Terms
People Group-a group of individual, families and clans who share a common language and ethnic identity.
UPG-Unreached People Group-a people group in which the number of evangelical Christians totals less than 2% of the population but evangelism is ongoing.
UUPG-Unreached Unengaged People Group-an unreached people group that no one is engaging or working among these peoples.
Engaging Church- a church takes on the missionary role of responsibility to ensure that a Gospel message is made available to their focus people group.
If you’d like more information, contact us.
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