Essay 2: Silence, Solitude, and a Quiet Time with God.
Excerpt from Chapter 46, “Silence and Solitude,” from our upcoming book, Where I Come From.
A late October release is planned.
Stay tuned for pre-order information in both eBook and Print editions.
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You cannot have solitude until you remove distractions.
The key is eliminating distractions so I can focus on things that matter: my wife, spiritual thoughts, and a time of relaxation..
It works for me. Come up with your own plan.
In closing, here is my favorite story on a quiet time:
T.W. Runt, the author of The Mind of Christ, shared the following at Dry
Creek Baptist Camp:
“One morning, I’d not felt as close to the Lord as I wished; I did something
strange: I poured a second cup of coffee and took it with me to my back porch
Setting the second cup down, I said, “Lord, I want to invite you to have a cup
of coffee with me. This morning—today—I want more than anything to visit
with you.”
Dr. Hunt smiled as he finished his story: “God was already there. I just needed
a visible reminder.”
I’ve shared T.W. Hunt’s story over the years.
It always connects with people.
I’ve tried it before.
Two cups of coffee seeking the presence of God.