Below is our schedule for this week’s trip to Liberia, Africa. While there we’ll be working with the Ricks Institute, a school near the capital of Monrovia. We’re sharing this schedule so you’ll know what we’re doing and how to pray for us. (Liberian time is 5 hours ahead of US-CDT.)
We are carrying plenty of school supplies as well as monies to do physical improvements at the school. The country of Liberia, as well as the school, are slowly recovering from decades of civil war. To see a map of Liberia, click here.
If anyone feels led to help with funding for these improvements, let us know.
Curt and DeDe Iles
Gordy and Colleen Glaser
JULY 6 -22
TEAM MEMBERS: Colleen Glaser, Gordy Glaser, DeDe Iles and Curt Iles (head of Team)
Sunday, July 5 Leave Houston at 11: 25 am/Newark/Brussels (Belgium) then Monrovia
MONDAY, JULY 6, 2009 arrive in Monrovia, Liberia
4:50pm ———————————-Team arrival at Robert’s International Airport
In case of any emergency, please call mobile# 06418491 (Mr. James Blay) or 06419860 (Mr. Varney Sherman)
8:00pm———————————————–Royal Hotel in Sinkor, Monrovia
10:00pm————————————————-Arrival at Ricks Guest House
8:00am————————————————Breakfast (Each breakfast serves in guesthouse on your own)
9:00am————— Walking Tour of Ricks (if weather permits)—Mr. James Blay
12:00pm——————————lunch (Dining Hall)
1:30pm——–Classroom preparation/ meeting with Mr. Sherman over schedule
2:30pm————Meeting with all Elementary teacher
4:00pm———Walking visit to Massaquio Town and Memeh Town
6:00pm———–Dinner at Ricks in Guest House (Prepared by Ricks)
Use the evening to relax/ catch up and prepare for the week
(Each breakfast serves in guesthouse on your own)
8:00am——-Assembly, Guest will be introduced Morning Devotion with
Teachers/ elementary student in auditorium
(5min devotion led by a team member)
8:30am—————————-Instruction begins
First Session: 8:30am – 10:00am
Mrs. Glaser—-1st, 2nd and 3rd Grades—Reading and Phonics
Mrs. Iles—- 4th 5th and 6th Grades—-Reading and Phonics
(Teacher’s assistants if needed: Mr. Glaser and Mr. Iles or Mr. Glaser
and Mr. Iles will be in meeting with Language Arts Teachers and Social Studies teachers respectively on practical ideas for teaching these areas of studies to students.
10:00 – 10:30am———–Break
Second Session: 10:30am—12:00pm
Mr. Glaser—-1st, 2nd and 3rd Grades—Social Studies
Mr. Iles—–4th, 5th and 6th Grades—Journaling/writing
(Teacher’s assistants if needed: Mrs. Glaser and Mrs. Iles or Mrs. Glaser
and Mrs. Iles will be in meeting with some elementary teachers on the practical ways of incorporating reading and phonics in the elementary classroom. One-on-one tutorial)
12:15pm———————————–Lunch in Dining Hall (Prepared by Ricks)
2:30pm———————-Possible trip to Duala for Grocery shopping (if need be)
4:30pm——————-Presentation of the important of reading (a team member)
6:00pm————–Dinner in the Guest house (prepared by team)
(Each breakfast serves in guesthouse on your own)
8:00am——-Morning Devotion with Teachers/ elementary student in auditorium
(5min devotion led by a team member)
8:30am—————————-Instruction begins
First Session: 8:30am – 10:00am
Mrs. Glaser—-1st, 2nd and 3rd Grades—Reading and Phonics
Mrs. Iles—- 4th 5th and 6th Grades—-Reading and Phonics
(Teacher’s assistants if needed: Mr. Glaser and Mr. Iles or Mr. Glaser
and Mr. Iles will be in meeting with Language Arts Teachers and Social Studies teachers respectively on practical ideas for teaching these areas of studies to students.
10:00 – 10:30am———–Break
Second Session: 10:30am—12:00pm
Mr. Glaser—-1st, 2nd and 3rd Grades—Social Studies
Mr. Iles—–4th, 5th and 6th Grades—Journaling/writing
(Teacher’s assistants if needed: Mrs. Glaser and Mrs. Iles or Mrs. Glaser
and Mrs. Iles will be in meeting with some elementary teachers on the practical ways of incorporating reading and phonics in the elementary classroom. One-on-one tutorial)
12:15pm———————————–Lunch in Dining Hall (Prepared by Ricks)
4:30pm————————–Presentation of the important of writing/Journal in
Personal Life (by Curt)
6:00pm————–Dinner in the Guest house (by team)
7:00pm———–Screening the documentary, “Liberia: America’s Step Child” in
Guest house
FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2008
(Each breakfast serves in guesthouse on your own)
8:00am——-Assembly Morning Devotion with Teachers/ elementary student in
auditorium (5min devotion led by a team member)
9:00am—————————-Instruction begins
First Session: 8:30am – 10:00am
Mrs. Glaser—-1st, 2nd and 3rd Grades—Reading and Phonics
Mrs. Iles—-4th 5th and 6th Grades—-Reading and Phonics
(Teacher’s assistants if needed: Mr. Glaser and Mr. Iles or Mr. Glaser
and Mr. Iles will be in meeting with Language Arts Teachers and Social Studies teachers respectively on practical ideas for teaching these areas of studies to students.
10:00 – 10:30am———–Break
Second Session: 10:30am—12:00pm
Mr. Glaser—-1st, 2nd and 3rd Grades—Social Studies
Mr. Iles—–4th, 5th and 6th Grades—Journaling/writing
(Teacher’s assistants if needed: Mrs. Glaser and Mrs. Iles or Mrs. Glaser
and Mrs. Iles will be in meeting with some elementary teachers on the practical ways of incorporating reading and phonics in the elementary classroom. One-on-one tutorial)
12:15pm———————————–Lunch in Dining Hall (Prepared by Ricks)
2:30pm———————-Personal time with teachers and students
4:30pm—————Workshop on preparing a resume for teachers/ some high
school students if available
5:30pm————–Dinner in Monrovia
8:30am—————————-(Service Project Focus) Assessment of apartments
10:30am———Trip to Building Supplies store to buy needed supplies
1:30pm—————-lunch in Dining Hall
4:00pm———————- Visit to the Comfort K. Toe Orphanage (Brewerville)
6:00pm————————Dinner at Ricks (prepared by the team)
SUNDAY, JULY 12, 2009
(Each breakfast serves in guesthouse on your own)
10:30am—————Travel to Good Sherpard Baptist Church in Cheesemanburg,
Bomi County for Worship Service
1:30pm——-Lunch in the Guest house (prepared by Ricks)
2:30pm——–Sorting out books in Ricks Library for appropriate grade level (in
6:00pm————————-Dinner (prepared by team)
MONDAY, JULY 13, 2009
(Each breakfast serves in guesthouse on your own)
8:00am——-Assembly–Morning Devotion with Teachers/ elementary student in
auditorium (5min devotion led by a team member)
8:30am—————————-Instruction begins
First Session: 8:30am – 10:00am
Mrs. Glaser—-1st, 2nd and 3rd Grades—Reading and Phonics
Mrs. Iles—- 4th, 5th and 6thGrades—-Reading and Phonics
(Teacher’s assistants if needed: Mr. Glaser and Mr. Iles or Mr. Glaser
and Mr. Iles will be in meeting with Language Arts Teachers and Social Studies teachers respectively on practical ideas for teaching these areas of studies to students.
10:00 – 10:30am———–Break
Second Session: 10:30am—12:00pm
Mr. Glaser—-1st, 2nd and 3rd Grades—Social Studies
Mr. Iles—–4th, 5th and 6th Grades—Journaling/writing
(Teacher’s assistants if needed: Mrs. Glaser and Mrs. Iles or Mrs. Glaser
and Mrs. Iles will be in meeting with some elementary teachers on the practical ways of incorporating reading and phonics in the elementary classroom. One-on-one tutorial)
12:15pm———————————–Lunch in Dining Hall (Prepared by Ricks)
2:30-4:30 ———————Bible camp with kids from the village and Ricks area
6:00pm————–Dinner in at Ricks (prepared by team)
7:00pm———–Movies night with students and community (please bring movies)
(please bring DVD movies; we have a projector)
TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2009
(Each breakfast serves in guesthouse on your own)
8:00am——-Assembly, Guest will be introduced
Morning Devotion with Teachers/ elementary student in auditorium
(5min devotion led by a team member)
8:30am—————————-Instruction begins
First Session: 8:30am – 10:00am
Mrs. Glaser—-1st, 2nd and 3rd Grades—Reading and Phonics
Mrs. Iles—-4th, 5th and 6th Grades—-Reading and Phonics
(Teacher’s assistants if needed: Mr. Glaser and Mr. Iles or Mr. Glaser
and Mr. Iles will be in meeting with Language Arts Teachers and Social Studies teachers respectively on practical ideas for teaching these areas of studies to students.
10:00 – 10:30am———–Break
Second Session: 10:30am—12:00pm
Mr. Glaser—-1st, 2nd and 3rd Grades—Social Studies
Mr. Iles—–4th, 5th and 6th Grades—Journaling/writing
(Teacher’s assistants if needed: Mrs. Glaser and Mrs. Iles or Mrs. Glaser
and Mrs. Iles will be in meeting with some elementary teachers on the practical ways of incorporating reading and phonics in the elementary classroom. One-on-one tutorial)
12:00pm———————————Instructional time ends
12:15pm———————————–Lunch in Dining Hall (Prepared by Ricks)
2:30pm———————-Personal time with teachers
5:30pm————–Dinner in Monrovia
WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2009 (Service work on expatriate teachers’ housing begins)
8am – 12noon (work on teacher’s housing)
12 noon————————–Lunch in Dinning Hall
1 –4pm (work on teaching’s housing)
6pm——————-dinner prepare by team
8am – 12noon (work on teacher’s housing)
12 noon————————–Lunch in Dinning Hall
1 –4pm (work on teaching’s housing)
6:00pm————–dinner (prepare by Ricks)
FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2009
8am – 12noon (work on teachers’ housing)
12noon————————–Lunch in Dinning Hall
1 –4pm (work on teachings’ housing)
5:30pm———————–Dinner in Monrovia
8am – 12noon (Sorting out books in Ricks Library for appropriate grade level in
12 noon————————–Lunch in Dinning Hall
1 –4pm (Sorting out books in Ricks Library for appropriate grade level in
6pm————-Dinner prepared by team
SUNDAY, JULY 19, 2009
(Each breakfast serves in guesthouse on your own)
10:00am————— Curt to Speak at New Georgia Baptist Church in New
Georgia Estate,
for Worship Service
1:30pm——-Lunch in the Guest house (prepared by Ricks)
Free Afternoon
6:00pm————————-Dinner (prepared by team)
MONDAY, JULY 20, 2009
8-10am—————————Do some finishing touches on the teachers’ housing
A Day in Monrovia
Visit shops in Monrovia and near US embassy
1pm————————Lunch—Mono Lisa in Sinkor
2pm————————tour at the JFK Hospital
6:00pm———————Dinner at Ricks (prepared by Ricks)
TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2009
Please remind Ricks Staff to confirm all reservation on Brussels Airlines for Wednesday
9-12noon ———————————-Bible School with Kids from the Ricks community and surrounding
12:30pm——————————Lunch in the Dining Hall
Afternoon—Free time
6:00pm———————-Dinner in Guest House (prepare by Guests)
REMINDER: Have Passport/ticket in possession before Departing Guest House
(Each breakfast serves in guesthouse on your own)
9:00am———————-In-town check-in (luggage will be loaded with passport
and ticket info for Monrovia Brussels Airlines Office)
12:00pm———–Depart for Monrovia for Lunch at Royal Hotel
2:00pm————- Depart for the Airport/ via visit at Baptist Seminary/ Firestone/
8:25pm————————————-Leave Liberia for Brussels
Thursday, July 23 Arrive back in Houston
You are all in my prayers. I've been thinking about your trip and wondering how things were working out. Thank you for sharing your itinerary. God Bless!
Thanks Mary Ellen.
Pray for us.
Thanks for sharing your itinerary. Can't wait to hear how God uses you all. We're praying for you all. God's Blessings!!
Have a safe trip. We will be looking forward to hearing all about your experiences when you return. Try to get some sleep on the plane trips.
See you later on Clayton Iles Road.
Always, Linda and Jan
Happy Birthday DeDe. Looks like you all have a busy itenerary and a very productive one. Have a great time sharing God's love with others. We love you and are praying for you. Steve and Janell