A Visit To The Orphanage

A visit to the Comfort K. Doe Orphanage Brewerville, Liberia
My sister Colleen with one of the youngest children at the Doe Orphanage.

One of the memorable highlights of our trip was visiting with the children at the Doe Orphanage. Three of the teenage boys (Joseph, Chris, and David shown in background) attend Ricks Institute on scholarship.

The orphanage began during the darkest days of the Liberian civil war. Rev. and Mrs. Doe (shown below) began gathering orphans and taking them in. To escape the fighting, they moved up and down the Atlantic Coast with their children.

They finally settled in Brewerville, a Monrovian suburb near the St. Paul River.

The main building at Doe Orphanage was built by Irish Army Peacekeepers in 2005. I love the Irish proverb, “Praise the young and they will flourish.”

These are two heroes, Rev. Doe and his wife Comfort. They are examples of what followers of Jesus do for the hurting and fatherless. Rev. Doe can be reached at htoepeter@yahoo.com.

The road to the Doe Orphanage. The street sign shows that we are at the intersection of “Main St. and Praise St.”

How you can help Doe Orphanage: Pray for the children/Pray for Rev. and Mrs. Doe who are very elderly/They have laid the foundation for a school at Doe and need help.

Footprints from Liberia

We’ll be adding photos and stories from our trip to Liberia from our trip to Liberia.

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