Two Weddings – One Day

My former student, Kay Campbell Fox, commented on my recent blog about a newlywed couple running through the lobby at the Denver Marriott.

It’s a wonderful story.

From Kay:
Two weddings – one day – Just shy of 21 years – all to the same man. You see, Nick and I were married at 2 pm and 4:30 pm….on the October 1, 1988 with different ministers (two came from the church we attended in college to perform the 2 pm wedding). It was raining that day and both slipped away during the reception to return home, which was in Lake Charles and DeQuincy. We weren’t paying attention because we were busy at the Dry Creek Baptist Church celebrating our wedding with our friends and families. It was only when we stopped long enough to sign the marriage license that we realized that no official from the ceremony was present. The concerned call went out to our friend and minister who also attended the wedding, Bro. Kermit Soileau, who gladly returned to the church in his suit to perform the final and most important ceremony of the day. And as he performed the ceremony again, he stated that “this wedding was just as important as the first.” And he was right – I was less nervous and remembered more from it than the earlier ceremony.

I too, believe that marriage only gets better. And I’m grateful that God has blessed us with a special relationship that can be celebrated twice in our lifetime.

Curt, thanks for sharing memories.

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