It’s Sunday and as always, we need your prayer.
By praying, you are on the journey with us.
Prayer isn’t the only thing we can do
But it is the most important.
Here are four highlights:
- Tomorrow (Monday, October 5, I travel to New Orleans for a followup G.I. appointment. I’m having more good days than bad days but am still dealing with recovering my health. Pray for Dr. Bulat as we look at my progress.
- In spite of challenges, I’m so grateful for the gift of life. Pray that I’ll live the Gratitude-Filled Life regardless of circumstances.
- Pray for DeDe as she tutors at Country Day School. Teaching is her gift and calling and she is so committed. Pray for guidance.
- Lift up our search for a church home. We simply want to be “nested” in the place where we can best serve.