Saturday Shots

I still miss Ivory. Best dog I ever owned. She owned me.
I still miss Ivory. Best dog I ever owned. She owned me.



A word from Curt


A picture is worth . . . a lot.

Here are recent images and sketches from the Creek.


Pass on.

Tell stories.


Jack Iles gets fitted with his cigar box one string guitar.
Jack Iles gets fitted with his cigar box one string guitar by artist Mark Snowden.









You Tube video of Snowdon jamming with his own cigar box guitar.


It's honeysuckle time in Louisiana.

It’s honeysuckle time in Louisiana.


I never knew I'd enjoy dance recitals.
I never knew I’d enjoy dance recitals.








Pine knot crosses.
Pine knot crosses.











A Mundari Tribal cattleman guards his cattle with an AK-47. There's nothing quite like South Sudan. So glad I got to see it.
A Mundari Tribal cattleman guards his cattle with an AK-47. There’s nothing quite like South Sudan. So glad I got to see it.

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