A word from Curt: I’m writing an e-book entitled A Pineywoods Manifesto. It’s for my four grandsons (who have great dads) plus the many young men without a positive male role model to teach them the things every man needs to know.
You can read earlier chapters at www.creekbank.net/blog.
Roma uno die non est condita.
Latin: “Rome wasn’t Built in a Day.”
The Dry Creek White House Entrance
Sonny Green, a retired Dry Creek housepainter, stood beside me in the shadow of the massive old Dry Creek Schoolhouse. Built from 1912-1918 by the men of our community, it was a huge two-story white plantation style building offset with four huge columns.
Closed as a school in 1962, it now belonged to Dry Creek Camp, it was lovingly called “The White House” and used as a bed and breakfast for our adult guests.
The White House was in bad need of a paint job. We’d had a difficult time even getting bids on the job with its height, size, coupled with our isolated location.
I’d called Sonny Green to take a look at the project and offer any suggestions. He and I stood in front of the building as I shared my dreams, frustrations, and ideas on this building and the dozen other projects needing our attention at the Camp
Sonny stood a long time stared up at the building, then put his hand on my shoulder, and said, “Son, remember this: Rome weren’t built in a day.”
His grammar and syntax were off, but his advice was solid.
Sonny Green’s wise words that day made a huge impression on me.
The right words.
From the right man.
At the right time.

Sonny Green’s been dead a long time, but his wisdom lives on: If you’ve got a big job to do, take it a bite at a time. It’ll get done but don’t expect it to happen overnight.
Thanks, Sonny, for your simple country explanation of what I needed to hear that day. It’s guided me through multiple projects and seemingly overwhelming tasks. You were right. Rome weren’t built in a day, and nothing that lasts is done quickly.
We get things done over time by working hard and showing persistence. The twin powers of time and patience can crack mountains.
“People overestimate what they can do in five years, and underestimate what they can do in twenty years.”
-Ligon Duncan