A Lesson from King Mockingbird

King Mockingbird

The Northern Mockingbird, that most Southern of birds.

Each day he sits up there—on the highest limb on the tallest oak. I call him “King Mockingbird.” The area around the oak and our back yard belongs to him. He is the biggest and loudest mockingbird around. It is easy to recognize him high up in the tree. His beautiful, loud singing soars above all the other noises of city life.

Other mockingbirds dare not fly into his territory knowing a good pecking awaits any intruder. Resident cats and dogs steer clear of his territory knowing from past experience how fierce he is. Even as I walk under his tree, I go with all due respect, knowing the inviting target a bald-headed man makes for a territory-loving mockingbird.

And can he sing! There’s nothing prettier than the song of a mockingbird on a clear morning. As I hear him cheerfully sing, I’m reminded that things may be bad in many parts of the world, but in his area, all is in order.

As I think of King Mockingbird, I’m reminded of the great God who oversees our lives.

In addition to creating the beautiful song of this bird, God is continually working in the lives of people all across our country and world.

Chances are you have a resident mockingbird around your yard. Be sure to stop and listen to your own King Mockingbird.

And be sure to remember, and worship, our great God who created him.


Fledgling Mockingbird


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