On the Journey . . . a Word from Curt
Our writing/sharing goal in 2018 is simple:
- Stay Curious.
- Continue to be Amazed.
- Share Remarkable Stories.
Today, I want to share a remarkable book that has greatly influenced my life. It’s the book of Proverbs.
The book of Proverbs continues to arouse my curiosity and always amazes me.
Even though I’ve read a chapter daily* for most of my adult life, I always learn something new with each reading.
Proverbs is known as Wisdom Literature and contains short sayings, mostly by King Solomon, on wise and insightful living. These nuggets of wisdom are often written as couplets: “The wise does this … but the fool does this.”
I personally believe it was written especially for young people, but all of us LLLers (Life Long Learners) can learn something with each reading.
Because it contains 31 chapters, it fits nicely into a daily chapter reading.*
Monday before last was January 8, so I read chapter 8. In this chapter, Wisdom is personified as a woman calling out for others to approach her for Godly advice, insight, guidance, and counsel. Other portions of Proverbs feature the anti-woman, Lady Folly, who is depicted as loose, undisciplined, and leads folks right down the Lost Highway to Hell. (Sounds like an AC/DC song sung by Hank Williams, Sr, or vice versa).
The verse that gripped me from chapter 8 is verse 17 where Lady Wisdom states, “I love those who love me,
and those who seek me diligently find me.”
It’s a reminder to me, that God wishes to give me wisdom for the decisions that will come my way. I must simply seek and ask.
This is a companion verse in the “Wisdom Book of the New Testament”, the Book of James, where the author the brother of Jesus, states in 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”
Wow. That’s pretty amazing and remarkable. God wishes to give you and me wisdom today.
It may not be a big request and then again, it may be life-changing.
But we are simply to ask for wisdom to do the right thing.
Now how He answers, and most importantly when he answers, is a pretty wide subject.
But I believe the two verses in Proverbs and James are twin promises that He will answer.
Ask away.
*The Proverbs Reading Plan can be a key part of your Bible study in 2018. Simply read/listen to the chapter for the corresponding day of the month. When you reach chapter 31 (or 30 or 28), return to chapter 1. I vary my routine with various translations at Bible Gateway and often listen to it on Bible.is on my phone. I guarantee a steady diet of Proverbs in 2018 will affect your life in an amazing and remarkable way.
Read on.
Coming posts in the coming weeks:
- Tomorrow: the Happiest Pigs in Rapides Parish
- The Remarkable Story of PT 109
- The Genetics of Fire
- A Life Statement for 2018
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