Chased by the Black Dogs
I received a sweet note from a blog friend this week. “Curt, where have you been? I’ve been worried about you?”
My answer was simple. “I’ve been chased by the black dogs.”
That’s what Churchill, a fellow sufferer, called depression.
Folks always describe depression in terms of darkness and dryness of the soul.
I think Churchill’s term best describes how depression affects me.
When I’m pursued on the journey by those black dogs, every ounce of energy and creativity is spent trying to outrun them. Their bite is beyond painful, and when they drag you down, it’s hard to concentrate, write, and communicate. Every minute is spent trying to escape them and keep my head above the water.
However, I’m blessed a God who has made me stronger, a gifted team of doctors, good medicine, and a wife and family who’ve surrounded me with love. Additionally, there are friends who’ve refused to leave me alone in the dark.
As I stated earlier in the year, I am a broken man who has never been stronger. DeDe says that I’m a better man than ever, and I always trust the words of my wife of thirty-eight years. By the help of God, I will (and am) getting through this.
Your prayers are appreciated and needed.

As the Crow Flies is on schedule for publication by Labor Day. You’re going to enjoy Missouri Cotton and the story of her journey through Louisiana’s No Man’s Land.
Stay tuned for ordering information, various formats (larger print, audio), and discounts.

2 minute You Tube video of Curt reading his favorite passage, “Will at the Brush Arbor Meeting,” from As the Crow Flies.
Heath Peloquin is camp pastor at Pineywoods this week. He is the grandson of our special friends Logan and Rhedia Skiles. He is shown with his son Logan.
As I write this, I’m at Pineywoods Camp near Lufkin, Texas. It’s been my privilege to pour the love of missions into the lives of boys and men this week
My Bucket List

Last week, I checked two items off my bucket list. My son Terry and I attended Jeff Bagwell’s induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY. (Terry lives four hours from the Hall). Secondly, we saw a Boston Red Sox game at Fenway Park. Bagwell and Craig Biggio (prior inductee) were my dad’s favorite players and I felt as if we represented Daddy in the crowd of forty thousand, over half of who wore Astros colors.
Of course, the best part of the trip for DeDe and I were spending time with our granddaughter Emma and her parents.
Blessings to each of you as you live life to the fullest and check items, whether large or small, off your bucket list of dreams and goals.
How do you like our new logo?
What does the open book/stream say represent to you?
Knowing our writing, how do you understand “Every Journey has a Story?”
Hope you feel better. I have been under the weather also – the dogs visit me at night.
Jimmy Earl Cooley