Here for the Gospel
An Orientation Guide for Engaging Churches
Coming to Share the Good News in
South Sudan and Southern Chad
Updated as of 5 Jan 2014
file: FINAL_H4GEngageBOOK_Jan14.docx
We proclaim Him,
every man and teaching every man with all wisdom,
that we may present every man complete in Christ,
and for this purpose also, I labor,
striving according to His power,
which mightily works within me.
Colossians 1:28-29
The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses,
these entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2:2
Table of Contents
- I. Our Mission: Why are we going?
- Chadan Cluster
- Chadan Engaging Team
- II. Becoming an Engaging Church
- Characteristics of an Engaging Church
- Steps to Engagement
- Probing Questions before Commitment
- III. Timeline for Volunteer Trips
- 18-12 months before planned departure
- 12-6 months before planned departure
- 6 months before planned departure
- 3 months before planned departure
- 1 month before planned departure
- IV. Special Matters
- Finances
- Security and Contingency
- Prayer and Spiritual Preparation
- Travel
- Field Orientation and Culture
- Health
- V. After you Return
- Debriefing
- Presenting to your Church
- Ongoing Engagement
A web version of this Booklet, including maps, appendix, and photos may be accessed at http://bit.ly/1iFXVUT
- I. Our Mission
- A. The Goal of the International Mission Board (IMB)
Our vision is a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshipping our Lord Jesus.
- B. The Chadan Cluster
One of seven clusters in the Sub-Saharan African Peoples (SSAP) Affinity
- Affinity Leader: Tim Cearly (resides in Senegal)
- Cluster Leader: David Crane (resides in Entebbe, Uganda)
C. The Chadan Engagement Team
We exist to start reproducing Baptist churches among each Unreached Unengaged People Group (UUPG) of South Sudan and southern Chad.
- 1. Our Team’s Strategy
- Research and train nationals and volunteers to research the more-than-100 UUPGs in S. Sudan and those in southern Chad
- Train nationals and volunteers in oral methodology using the Storying Cloth
- Evangelistic storying by Fast Walking
- Follow-up by Chronological Bible Storying (CBS)
- Develop leaders by Storying Sets
- Facilitate engaging churches
- Evaluate reports from nationals and volunteers for praise and progress
- Enlist prayer support for UUPGs and for Engaging teams.
- 2. Our Team Personnel
- Leader: Bob Calvert (resides in Entebbe, Uganda)
- Email: bobthebushman@gmail.com
- Phone from outside Uganda: +256-75-982-1184
- Phone from inside Uganda: 075-982-1184
- Skype: calvertbn
- Viber: Robert Calvert
- Team Members:
- Nancy Calvert (resides in Entebbe, UG; calvertnancy@gmail.com)
- Curt Iles (resides in Entebbe, UG; creekbank.stories@gmail.com)
- DeDe Iles (resides in Entebbe, UG; deaniseiles@gmail.com)
- Key Terms (see Appendix for a more thorough list)
- Engaging Church (also called an “Embracing Church”) = One that takes on the missionary role of responsibility to ensure that a Gospel message is made available to their focus people group.
- People Group = a group of individual, families and clans who share a common language and ethnic identity.
- Unreached People Group (UPG) = a people group in which the number of evangelical Christians totals less than 2% of the population but evangelism is ongoing by a Great Commission Group.
- Unreached Unengaged People Group (UUPG) = an unreached people group among whom no Great Commission Group is engaging or working.
- Church = an assembly of maturing believers studying together, partaking in the Ordinances (Baptism/Lord’s Supper), making disciples, with organized leadership and membership reproducing Great Commission members.
- II. Becoming an Engaging Church
- A. Characteristics
- The Engaging Church commits to create an environment for evangelism, discipleship and leadership training that will ignite a movement of churches planting churches among a people group.
- The Engaging Church employs strategies consistent with sound missiological principles to ensure that churches are reproducing in the African context without dependency upon outside resources.
- Steps for a church to Engage a UUPG of the Chadan Cluster (see Timeline, below).
See these valuable IMB links for an overall view: http://subsaharanafricanpeoples.imb.org/connect/view/engaging-churches
- Exploring Phase (more than 12 months before first planned Engaging trip)
- Pray seriously about the spiritual, human resource, and financial commitment (minimum of a 3-5 year period) to evangelism, discipleship and church planting among a UUPG with the goal of seeing a self-sustaining movement.
- Willingly employ strategies consistent with missiological principles that ensure church reproduction in the African context without creating dependency on outside resources.
- Agree to plant Baptist churches. While partnerships can be developed with other Christian organizations, new churches should be Baptist in doctrine and practice.
- Contact Greg Queen, the SSAP Personalizer, for guidance: gqueen@globalmailonline.com
- Praying and Commitment Phase (12 months before first planned Engaging trip)
- Contact Chadan’s Engaging Team leader on the field. Discuss UUPGs in whom you are interested. If we discover the group you’re praying for is actually “reached”, we’ll praise God together and help select another group!
- Prayerfully adopt a UUPG. Become experts on them. See if any of this PG live in a nearby town.
- Web links to learn more about UUPGs:
- www.peoplegroups.org–the IMB research on unreached and unengaged people groups
http://subsaharanafricanpeoples.imb.org This focuses on groups in Sub Saharan Africa. This also gives current information on Base Camps and information on how to engage and explore.
- Small group of church leaders, including the pastor, comes to the field for a 10-12 day Vision Trip.
- Team will report to the church after which the church officially commits to adopt this UUPG.
- Form an Engagement Leadership Team (ELT) in your church that will keep a compelling vision before the church and enlist the involvement of the entire body. The ELT will be responsible for:
- Building a prayer network;
- Coordinating and training short-term mission teams; and
- Evaluating and reporting progress to the church and the Chadan Engagement Team.
- Equipping and Planning Phase (12-6 months before first planned Engaging trip)
- Interested church members should attend Base Camp I http://subsaharanafricanpeoples.imb.org/connect/view/base-camps
- Develop and implement a master plan for reaching the people group. This plan will include strategies for research, evangelism, discipleship, leadership development, church planting and transitioning out of the work.
- Continued prayer about the spiritual, human resource, and financial commitment
- Mobilization Phase (starts 6 months before first planned Engaging trip)
- Strategic church members attend Base Camp II
- Train and send teams, ideally 4-6 times a year.
- Become self-facilitating. While Chadan Engaging Team missionaries will provide assistance for initial teams, the church should become increasingly responsible for arrangements like local transportation, housing, meals, currency exchange, translators, etc.
- Sharpening Phase (starts as soon as the first team returns to the U.S.)
- Debrief and evaluate all teams
- Compile and send results to the Chadan Engaging Team.
- Network with other Engaging Churches
- Probing Questions to answer before committing to be a Chadan Engaging Church:
- III. Timeline for Initial Volunteer Trips
NOTE: Many specifics will be given to participants at Base Camps
- 18-12 months before planned departure
- Complete Exploring Phase
- 12-6 months before planned departure
- Complete Praying and Commitment Phase
- Contact Chadan’s Engaging Team Leader
- Confirm your chosen UUPG
- Discuss possible dates for vision trip
- Form your church’s Engaging Leadership Team
- Begin volunteer team selection process
- Profile of great Team member
- Passionate walk with Christ
- Servant Attitude
- Strong Physical Condition
- Fast Walks the Storying Cloth in 30-35 minutes
- Send key members from your Engagement Leadership Team to Base Camp 1, particularly those planning to be on a volunteer team at some point.
- After first team trip, key members need to attend Base Camp 2.
- A list of attendees, overall impressions, questions, etc. of any Base Camp needs to be sent to the Chadan Engaging Team.
- Develop a Master Plan for Engaging your UUPG.
- Consult with Chadan Engaging Team, which can help provide direction and advice.
- Include strategies for research, evangelism, discipleship, leadership development, church planting and transitioning out of the work.
- All volunteers will work in accordance with this plan.
- Analyze and evaluate every trip against the Master Plan.
- 6 months before planned departure
- Select the dates of your trip, in coordination with Chadan Engaging Team
- Book your flights (see Appendix for travel agent suggestions)
- Request an Invitation letter from Chadan’s Logistics coordinator (required in order to get a visa for S. Sudanese or Chad)
- Send the names of team members, dates of trip, area of country where you will visit.
- Order Storying Cloths (5-10 per team member) from the IMB: http://imb.org/resource
- Learn the Stories
- Practice in Sunday School classes, prison ministry, international ministries, etc.
- Security Training (currently a 6 hr. video)
- Each team member needs to:
- Apply for or renew U.S. passport
- Passport must be valid for at least 180 days from date of arrival in South Sudan.
- Begin Travel Immunizations. See CDC website for recommendations:
- Read Immunization for Travelers (CDC), noting the Travel Health Kit (by the CDC)
- Make sure all your routine immunizations are up to date
- The following immunizations are highly recommended:
- Hepatitis A: requires 2 shots, 6 months apart; you must have at least one before departure.
- Typhoid
- Yellow Fever. Public (county) clinics are not only cheaper than private clinics, but the Yellow Fever immunization is often only available in public clinics. You must have your Yellow Fever Certificate in passport.
- Malaria prophylaxis medicine is essential but doesn’t need to be started until a week or several days before travel. This requires a prescription.
- Check with your doctor for personal recommendations.
- 3 months before planned departure
- Volunteer Team Registration with the IMB http://www.imbafrica.org/volunteers/register.php
- Send volunteer team # to Chadan Engaging Team
- REQUIRED IMB forms for EACH volunteer
- Criminal Background Check
- Child Protection Training Video
- Send copy of verification of check and signature sheet of those who watched the video to Chadan Team leader
- Register with the United States Smart Traveler Program in case of emergency as well as to keep you aware of any in-country warnings:
- In case of injury or illness of a team member, purchasing travel insurance is highly recommended, preferably through Gallagher International Insurance (800-922-8438).
- Write a Contingency Plan when your team is traveling without a Chadan Engagement Team member. Our team can help with this plan, which lists what you should do in event of unexpected emergencies.
- ELT is to hold monthly team meetings with those going on the trip. These are necessary for prayer, coordination, review, etc.
- ELT and volunteer team must understand security issues of the trip and how to communicate effectively and safely with friends and the church
- Team is to decide upon a Short Truthful Statement (STS) for the trip, which all volunteers need to memorize and practice. This is a simple truthful statement of your legal status in your host culture. It is very important that each member of the team has the same STS. For example, “We have come to see your country, learn about your people, and help.”
- One volunteer is to be chosen as Team Leader for this particular volunteer team trip.
- One volunteer is to be chosen as the Financial Manager, who will keep up with team monies, receipts, etc. while on the field.
- One volunteer is to be chosen as the major Media Manager:
- Take pictures
- Collect pictures from other members to create presentations for the church
- End of trip report video or pictures
- Virtual Prayer-Walk to encourage prayer for the UUPG and further participation in the Engagement.
- Team needs to secure a church member who will be the point person for:
- Communication and Contingency liaison between the volunteer team and the church
- Realize that the team will be in the African bush! Phone signals, if present, are usually too slow for Internet connectivity.
- Coordinate contingency plan in case of emergency. This person is to have each volunteer’s emergency contacts and vital information, and be authorized to make pertinent decisions regarding the welfare of the group.
- Communication and Contingency liaison between the volunteer team and the church
- Select a church member who will be the key contact during the trip. They should have all contacts, information, and be authorized to make pertinent decisions regarding the welfare of the group.
- Prayer Coordinator to communicate requests to the church
- Use intra-church means of Sunday School classes, Email, etc.
- Use social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
- Must be vigilant about security issues on public forums.
- Prayer Coordinator to communicate requests to the church
- 1 month before planned departure
- Plan Skype call between team and Chadan Engaging Team. Family members may also join in this call.
- Send off passports in order to obtain visas for South Sudan or Chad. You will need to include the invitation letter from the IMB Logistics Coordinator for your country.
- May contact the S. Sudanese Embassy directly
- May contact the Chad embassy directly
- May use a visa “service”, such as Visas & Passports 2 Go www.vp2go.com
- Begin checking Packing list (see Appendix)
- F. Week of Departure
- Begin Devotions (or 10 days?)
- Double-check all valuable documents (see Appendix)
- Church needs to commission and pray for the team, committing to pray for team during the trip.
- Pack early to avoid being rushed and tense
- Invest time with your family
- G. Day Before Departure
1. Check-in on line (30-24 hours ahead of departure). Since you usually travelling over a 2-day period, you may not be able to complete check in or change seats on the later flights.
- IV. Special Matters
- A. Finances: Our team will work with you on changing over money from $USD
- There are free apps for smartphones that will calculate dollars to most world currencies. A helpful website is: http://www.oanda.com/currency/travel-exchange
- Your team will handle all financial transactions. This will include meals, lodging and fuel. If any IMB personnel accompany you, the team must also pay their expenses, petrol, etc. This relieves financial pressure on missionaries who make many trips a year on a strict IMB budget.
- Be diligent about recording expenses and receipts. Churches need to know the cost of the trip to plan for future trips. As always, be accountable in your finances.
- ATM cards
- Cash newer than 2006
Finances and Budget: In Country
Remember that team will be paying expenses also on Engagement leader(s). Thanks in advance!
- Split the money into several places on your body. Billfold in front pocket/money belt/money neck pouch/small pack.
- Use of credit/debit cards will be limited. Be sure to contact your card provider and tell your travel dates and locations. (“I’ll be in Germany/Ethiopian/Uganda in late July and August.“)
- Keep your passport, tickets/cash secure but readily available.
- Your team will make the call on end of trip game drive/Nile trip. We’ll be forwarding estimated expenses.
- Please plan to buy staple foods for hosts. This will provide for your needs so as not to be a burden. We will help you purchase tea, flour, oil, and other items.
- Bring several MREs per person. These may not be needed, however there are times when no food is available for a meal.
The D Word: Avoiding Dependency!
- Through your Base Camp attendance, you’ll learn that many times the good intentions and the generosity of American Christians only intensity the problems of our African friends.
- Several books in the recommended reading list discuss dependency.
- B. Communication
- Begin communicating with your prayer team (how you will communicate on trip.)
- Discuss how your team will use social media on trip: Email/SMS/Facebook/Twitter.
- Communication is a priority: You must communicate as a team with IMB missionaries, a vision team with your church, and with your family back home. Communication always presents challenges. Set reasonable communication expectations with family at home.
- C. Spiritual Preparation
- Spiritual Warfare
- Daily Devotions
Vitally important to know God’s Word!
Keep your focus.
- Intentional Prayer
“Why would we ever send out thousands of folks and
not cover them with a blast furnace of prayer?”
-Tom Elliff
President, IMB
- Plan a time of personal focused prayer and personal preparation. The most important part of your trip is in the heart. God is ready to use you, but He only uses those with a pure heart. Spend time making an inventory of any broken relationships in your life. Go to them (Matthew 18) and make it right. Ask them to pray for you.
- Thank God for the privilege of going to serve.
- Be watchful in thanksgiving.
- Each team member should have a small group of prayer partners.
- Enlist prayer from people outside your church.
- Have a church-wide plan to cover the trip in prayer. Include children.
- Journaling
- Can help you through the struggles of spiritual warfare and also be a testimony to others in their journey. If you are not one who keeps a journal, considering starting one now.
- A valuable tool while on your trip. Everyday record the bare essentials of people you meet, events that were memorable, mental scenes you want to remember. You can fill in the details later, but you will not remember these very well after you return.
- Testimony- Be prepared to tell your short salvation testimony.
Your story: 3X3 a three part three minute testimony of your born again experience.
- My life before meeting Jesus.
- How I met Jesus and was born again.
- How He has/is changing my life.
+ Would you like to meet Jesus personally?
- Storying Cloth
The Storying Cloth, developed by our team leader, Bob Calvert, is a extremely effective method of sharing the Gospel among Chadan groups.
- D. Travel
Lift off: US to Europe
We recommend arriving at your departure airport at least three hours before your flight.
Check for details:
- Passports-some groups appoint one person to gather all passports and distribute as needed
- Proof of Yellow Fever immunization
- Money
- Correct Airport IAH or Hobby? It does make a difference!
“Houston, we have a problem.” There are two airports in Houston.
The Long Flight across the Pond
Tips: I like to change my clock/watches to the place we’re landing. Start thinking in that “time zone.”
Sleep/Rest: If you can sleep, do it. Many times the excitement of the flight makes it difficult to sleep. Use your neck pillow/eyeshades/blanket to get comfortable. Bring good earplugs!
Exercise: make sure you move your ankles and feet, even walking as often as possible to avoid blood clots.
Water: the best medicine!
Get shoeless. Bring thick socks for flight.
If you cannot sleep, rest and relax. Read, visit, and watch movies.
At the end of each flight leg, check seat pockets for personal items.
Some travelers use sleep aids such as melatonin, Benadryl, Ambien, or Tylenol PM. Please consult your physician on this. Also, try out a pre-trip test run on any sleep aids you plan to take.
For your best health drink plenty of water and walk around the plane often.
Your European Airport:
- Study layout of European Airport.
- Will you switch terminals?
- How do you get from one spot to the next?
- Double check screens for gate changes.
- Double check new time zone.
We recommend going to the website for your European airport and printing layout/available information.
Your first African Airport
Fun fact: When the new terminal at Addis was built, it had the country’s first (and only) escalator. So many people came to the airport to ride it, they started charging $1 USD to enter airport. Stopped the amusement crowd!
Double check about your luggage. Will you need to recheck it?
Tip: Many incoming flights to Entebbe go to Kigali (Rwanda) first.
Arrival at Entebbe Uganda Airport
This is an example of the steps as you enter an African airport.
1. Entry card: You will complete on the plane. Have your passport number/passport dates/your name exactly as it appears on passport ready. You are traveling as a tourist. You will put our address/phone as contacts in your destination country.
2. Visa line: There will be several lines. Get in the Visa line. You’ll complete Visa application (on entering look to your right for long table with forms.) At immigration desk, you’ll present application, passport, and pay $50 USD for Visa.
3. Customs: Bypass customs desk
4. Baggage Claim: Get luggage carts. Load up and head for Arrival Hall.
Lost baggage? Go to Airline Office. Complete forms/show luggage photos. Don’t worry. All of your essentials are in carry on (aren’t they?)
5. Arrival Hall: We’ll await you in lobby or outside doors. We won’t be hard to spot.
Lodging: Thoughts on African Hospitality
- Get to know the staff. Ask their names and practice greetings with them.
- Write down everything possible: meal times, departure times, price. We may both speak English and still not speak the same language.
- E. Field Orientation
CET will give field orientation for first few groups; however, subsequent groups responsible for own orientation
1. Don’t promise to buy, send, or give anything! This undermines our work toward self-sustainability
Cultural Link – Sub Saharan African Peoples of IMB
Greetings and Etiquette
DWTD Do What They Do
Greetings and introductions are an essential part of African culture.
Let the African lead.
Two hands handshake
Dirty hand handshake
Don’t point with hand
Eat right-handed (esp. if sharing communal dishes)
How to wave vs. calling a dog
Breast feeding: Welcome to Africa
Mothers nursing in public (and while you’re preaching) is normal. Women often do not cover their chest area. Missionary men advise looking over the women’s head to the back wall.
Cell phone etiquette
Most Africans have not found the mute/vibrate button on their cell phones. They will answer calls at any time. Expect it and be flexible.
Prayerfully watch what is going on.
DWTD Do what they do.
Shoes: look at the door
Sunglasses – remove when speaking with people
Hats – polite to remove indoors
Shorts – Men: In house/hotel only
Women: no shorts allowed; knees are never to be seen.
Photos – Get permission Do not promise copies!
Promise Little/Deliver Much – Be careful with your words. -“I’ll pray/think about it” means “yes.”
Don’t be surprised by strange requests: “Gimme your watch/Gimme money/
Bob’s answer to requests: “Sure, give me two cows in return.”
No PDA (Public Display of Affection) of couples.
It’s OK for the same sex to hold hands but not (even married) couples. “If an African sees a man and woman holding hands, they believe ‘they’re on their way to bed right now’ or ‘she’s a prostitute.’”
- F. Health-diligence in a few matters can make the difference in a great trip and misery.
- Water-Air travel (low humidity in planes) and high altitude work (most of our work area is above 3000 ft.) contributes to dehydration.
Each team member should carry water with them at all times.
- Clean water
Do not use tap water, even when brushing your teeth
Do not drink unbottled water or ice.
Clean water options:
Bottled water with unbroken seals (it’s cheap and available in towns).
Purified water with a working pump water filter. We use First Need or Katadyn filters.
There are chemical applications to purify tap water available at Wal-Mart (iodine-based that has aftertaste) and Campmor (online. Best treatment is a two-bottle application that leaves no taste.)
- Sunscreen and the Equatorial Sun
“Africa is a cold continent with a fierce sun.”
The sun at the equator is intense and will quickly burn skin. Use copious amounts of sunscreen.
You will need a good hat that covers your neck. Wear sunglasses when possible.
- Eating
It is normal after arrival to have a queasy stomach/some diarrhea.
Do not eat any uncooked food (Cole slaw, sliced vegetables).
Idea: purchase a container of potassium permanganate (purple) for cleaning fruits (in private).
Use hand sanitizer, but be discreet.
When offered food and hospitality, be careful and considerate. It is offered in kindness. Eat what you can. Smile and use the excuse, “I have a weak Mzungu stomach” when necessary. Have some easy comfort foods that you can eat when you are alone.
- First Aid Kit
Please consult Engagement leadership before taking any medications that are not prescribed.
CorArtem or similar malaria treatment
Triple antibiotic
Cipro for infection
Anti-diarrheal medications for travel days
Diarrheal Treatment “BRATS”
B bananas
R rice
A apple sauce
T toast
S Sprite
Final tip: Don’t be embarrassed to inform team leader of diahrrea. It is part of life in Africa and we can usually help.
- V. After the trip
- A. Debriefing
Your trip doesn’t end when you leave your village. What you do at the end of a trip is equally important as you process, discuss, dream, and vision while the trip is fresh.
Take time to organize and share photos before you leave.
We recommend that the last several days of your trip be spent in focused debriefing and review.
Questions to ask:
- What did you like best about the trip?
- What changes would you recommend for the next trip?
- What is God saying to me?
- How do we share this with our church and family? Example: elevator speech
Last Day Report sent as email to church
- Keys to an effective mission presentation: 2 Weeks in Africa
Tell stories!
Share faces!
10 slides/5 stories/30 minutes
- On Going Mission: The Road Never Ends
A Mission trip never ends. What God does in the lives of your team and new African believers will affect eternity and ripple to every area of your life.
Your life will be enriched by your African experience.
In some ways, your trip will mess up your life. Things can never look quite the same.
Be patient with those who haven’t made a trip like yours.
Don’t lay down in protest on the dog/cat food aisle at WalMart.
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those bringing good news.
Isaiah 52:7
A web version of this Booklet, including maps, appendix, and photos may be accessed at http://bit.ly/1iFXVUT
When it’s in your head, it’s just a dream,
but when you write it down it becomes a goal.
–Emmitt Smith
We encourage you and your church to discuss and develop clear written statements on the following:
1. What is our reason to come to Africa?
2. How do I personally feel called to go on this trip?
3. What life verse will I take with me?
4. What is our Church’s plan of action?
View a Church Vision Plan
5. How do we as a church view our partnership with the Chadan Engagement Team?
6. How will we develop our end plan/exit plan?
5 Steps to Engaging an Unreached Unengaged People Group*
in South Sudan
- 1. Begin praying about an Unreached People Group to pray for:
- Our Engagement Team will be happy to help you look at options.
- You can also consult this excellent resource at http://subsaharanafricanpeoples.imb.org
If God is leading your church toward focused prayer on one group, you’ll move forward.
- Prayerfully adopt a People Group/Region/Village to pray for.
- Attend an IMB-sponsored Base Camp.
- Our South Sudan team will make sure “boots on the ground” research is done on your group. If we discover the group you’re praying for is actually “reached”, we’ll praise God together and help select another group!
We hope churches will move beyond Step 2 but know that focused prayer by God’s people will bear fruit.
- 3. Become an expert on your People Group
- Internet research
- Find your group in a nearby major city and begin ministry.
- We will help make a “virtual prayer walk” to guide your church’s praying.
- 4. Make a Vision Trip to your People Group.
- Your church will send small team on a two-week trip to your people group.
- We encourage the pastor/or key staff member to be on team.
- Our Engagement Team will assist your team leader in planning and guiding your trip.
- 5. Make a church decision to adopt an Unreached Group.
- Your vision team will report to the church after which an official church decision to adopt a group can/will be made.
Buying your Plane Tickets
As soon as you are confident of dates of the trip, purchase tickets for the best price.
The Engagement Team has no part in purchasing tickets.
Listed below are possibilities for airline tickets purchase.
- 1. Cool Concepts owner Lisa Coolley
We have used this service many times and always had a good experience.
- 2. Society for Active Missionaries Abroad*
- 3. Isle Travel*
Isle Travel, Inc.
Mark Finch
President, Church Mission Trip Planning
tel: 866-805-5767 TOLL FREE ext. 4
4. Key Travel*
Heather Colabove Key Travel (HColabove@keytravel.com)*
5. Ministry Travel* has been in business for over 10 years servicing missionaries in Europe and Africa and as far east as India. They contracts with many of the airlines servicing Africa that allow us to hold space and provide time for people to secure their funds.
*We have never used these agencies-if you use one, please give us a review for future travelers.
Some groups have had great success with online discount agencies such as Priceline and Expedia.
- Ø Check with airline about baggage requirements.
Thinking about Packing:
Tip: Get a small battery operated fan. This helps cool you at night as well as drown out noise. Bring a good flashlight. Electrical light can be off/on as well as non-existent.
Visit our Packrat’s Web Page for packing lists and tips http://www.creekbank.net/the-pack-rats-guide-to-african-travel/
Day You Leave:
“It’s kind of like going hunting. You don’t want to forget things, but as long as you’ve got your gun, shells, and license, you’ll be OK.”
You must have:
1. Passport with Yellow Fever Card stapled inside. Have two extra passport photos just in case.
2. Make 2 copies of your IDs. Passport photo page/Driver’s License. Keep separate from your passport.
3. Carry your money in crisp new US bills of $20 and $100. The series date on US bills must be 2006 or newer.
4. Have church/family lay hands on you in prayer before leaving.
Sample Trips
Sample 12 Day Trip Schedule Projected on cost while in Africa: $1500/per person
Day 1 Travel
Day 2 Travel
Day 3 Feet on the Ground Day Entebbe or Juba
Day 4 Travel
Day 5 Boots on the Ground
Day 6 “
Day 7 “
Day 8 ”
Day 9 Discipleship Day/Pack up
Day 10 Travel to Entebbe
Day 11 Travel Home
Day 12 Arrive Home
Sample 16 Day trip Projected cost while in Africa: $2000-2500/per person
Day 1 Travel from US
Day 2 Europe to Africa Entebbe or Juba
Day 3 Feet on the Ground Day Orientation
Day 4 Travel by road/air/or boat
Day 5 Boots on the Ground Work
Day 6 #
Day 7 #
Day 8 #
Day 9 #
Day 10 #
Day 11 #
Day 12 #
Day 13 Travel back to Entebbe or Juba
Day 14 Debrief/Shop/Relax
Day 15 Travel Home
Day 16 Travel Home
1E. Tentative Daily Ministry Schedule at Engagement Location
Wake up/Personal Quiet Time
7:30 Breakfast/Share Time we’ll have a combination of team-led devotionals and sharing.
8:30 Hit the Road
Light Lunch
6:00 PM Rest and Reload
5. The Place of Research
What if God uses you to discover a new unreached[SI1] people group?
The following is a checklist for determining if a People Group is Unengaged/Unreached:
Chadan Engagement Matrix
Short Checklist
- They are unevangelized
- There is no culturally relevant church planting strategy
- 20% or less of the PG are proficient with a trade language (Arabic, Kiswahili, English, etc.)
- There is currently or will likely be in the future restricted access due to war, government restrictions or security
- The ministry area is isolated and/or has difficult living conditions
- They are open to the gospel or there is a man of Peace present
- There is religious persecution present
- There has been no evangelical missionary presence in the last 2 years
- There are currently other GCC’s or NGO’s present who are not using CP strategies but might be interested in partnering in Holistic ministries in the area (Agricultural projects, ESL, Well drilling, etc.).
- There is a current or recent translation project.
After completing this quick survey, use the matrix to determine who is the best entity to engage the PG or region. Then fill out completely the long form of the Checklist.
7 checks or more: Ideal for Chadan engagement or another entity
5-6 checks: Engaging churches
1-5 checks: Well trained national church engagement
You may view the full Chadan Research Matrix http://www.creekbank.net/chadan-research-matrix/
Check the market for electronics and items are available for locals
Radios with SD cards, MP3 players, solar –what can be used to carry the gospel?
9. Links and Resources
A. Engagement terms
People Group– a group of individual, families and clans who share a common language and ethnic identity.
UPG-Unreached People Group– a people group in which the number of evangelical Christians totals less than 2% of the population but evangelism is ongoing.
UUPG-Unreached Unengaged People Group– an unreached people group that no one is engaging or working among these peoples.
Church- an assembly of maturing believers studying together, partaking in the Ordinances (Baptism/Lord’s Supper), making disciples, with organized leadership and membership reproducing Great Commission members.
Engaging Church– a church takes on the missionary role of responsibility to ensure that a Gospel message is made available to their focus people group.
Preaching Points/Bible Study groups are not yet churches but
moving forward.
Chadan is the name of the IMB’s newest ministry cluster (area). It comprises South Sudan and the southern portion of Chad and hold’s a large number of Africa’s remaining UUPGs.
Engagement is the process of National and American churches adopting an UUPG to plant reproducing churches. This involves 4-6 trips per year for evangelism, discipleship, and training.
Exit Plan/End Plan a flexible plan on leaving reproducing healthy churches in your Engagement community.
T.I.A. “This is Africa.”
M.A.W.L. Model/Assist/Watch/Leave Process by which local believers are trained for independent evangelism/discipleship.
Vision Trip A small group (3-5) trip to see/minister among possible UUPG’s to adopt. Normally led by key church leader/pastor, it can vary from 11 days to 2 weeks.
Curt’s Glossary
Jambo – stereotypical hello in Swahili
Mzungu – White man Plural: Wazungu
T.I.A. – “This is Africa”
T.M.I. – “Too Much Information”
W.T.M.I. – “Way Too Much Information”
Saa Mzungu – “White Man’s Time”
AWA – “Africa wins again”
‘It’s not far’ – Biggest lie in Africa.
“Yes.” – The answer to all misunderstood questions
MBB – Muslim Background Believers
Cousins – code word for Muslims
The Company – code term for the IMB
NBA-BB – Non-born again background believers
LTWBTYFI – Leave this world better than you found it.
Recommended Reading List:
African Friends and Money Matters by David Maranz
Bradt’s Travel Guide Uganda
Dead Aid by Dambisa Moyo
Doing Missions in Africa: A Mini Preparation Guide by Clint Bowman
Foreign to Familiar: A Guide to Understanding Hot and Cold Climate Cultures by Sarah Lanier
Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis
Let the Nations Be Glad by John Piper
Preach and Heal by Charles Fielding
T4T: A Discepleship Re-Revolution by Steve Smith
The Insanity of God by Nik Ripken
Understanding Folk Religion by Paul Hiebert
When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert
Where There is No Doctor