1. Be Curious
2. Say “Wow!”
3. Tell Stories
Those three things are what I mostly do in Africa.
I’m a storyteller.
It’s what I do.
It’s who I am.
I have a very serious job here in the Chadan cluster.
DeDe and I are focused on our Big Three jobs for this year:
1. Getting God’s Word into the hands, hearts, and ears of the least reached in Chadan. You’re already a part of this through your giving.
2. Connecting our church leaders to our two Seminaries in Uganda and Kenya. You’re also a part of this through your gifts.
3. Exploring the country we are calling “Dido.”
Curious/Wow/Stories doesn’t interfere with the three God-sized tasks above. They are intertwined with it.
DeDe and I are “Up Country” for six days in Karomojo Land, Uganda.
Enjoy these photos of life as we see it in Africa.
Saturday 24 January
Yes, it’s good to be:
Telling stories.