Louisiana Rain: a short post

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Louisiana Rain

A word from Curt:  Prayer.

It’s a powerful word because it links us to a powerful God.

The following story occurred this week during my chaplain work at Roy O. Martin’s two mills.


  1. Stay curious.
  2. Be amazed.
  3. Tell a story


While making my rounds at the Chopin mill, an employee named Harley* stopped me. “Chaplain, do you remember praying with me to get a car?”

Before I could reply, he continued, “My wife and I were riding a motorcycle to work. It was great except in rainy weather,  and you know it rains a lot in Louisiana. I asked you to pray with me for a car and we stopped right there and prayed. A month later, we were riding my bike home from work in a Louisiana thunderstorm. We were soaked and stopped under a convenience store awning to dry off. A man approached us. ‘Are y’all riding to work on that motorcycle?’

Harley smiled. “I told him we were saving money for a car. He took me to his house and gave us a good car for an unbelievable low price. God answered that prayer.”

“You don’t think it was just coincidence?” I asked.

“No way. God took care of that.”

Once again, I stood amazed at a great God who created the universe but still has time to provide a seemingly small but important need in the life of a child of God.

Pray. It’s not the only thing you can do, but it is the most important.


*named changed.

There is great power in unified prayer. A scene from a Sturgis Bik Rally.
There is great power in unified prayer. A scene from a Sturgis Bike Rally.


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