Friday and Saturday are the days I look back over the past week and plan for the coming week.
Here are photos and images from the week that was.
Best part of writing books: making new friends. Sam Welch at Camp. “Aren’t you the man who wrote A Spent Bullet?” Wow.
Not just another nickel. This 1947 nickel caught my eye. What a story it could tell of where it’s been! In circulation for nearly 70 years.
What does this mean? It tells an important story.
A novel comes to life: July is a book deadline for As the Crow Flies. I’m reading about Melungeons. What do you know about them?
Saw Charlie Daniels at Ft Polk’s Freedom Fest last Saturday.
My first Charlie Daniels concert was in 1976.
Charlie was 40 and I was 20. He turns 80 this fall.
This shot is from the Charlie Daniels Band twitter account.
That’s your truly leaning on the rail. I had the best seat in the house.
Fort Polk history of La. Manuevers on Hwy 10.
Westport Fight sign. Corner of La 113 and 462. I’m meeting folks there on Tuesday (7/12) at 4 pm.God’s rocking chair at Dry Creek Camp.Robert Frost: “A Time to Talk.” Frost and Bob Dylan are my favorite American poets.One of my heroes, Greg Johnson. Image on screen is a story about Greg.
One of the best parts of my week at Dry Creek Camp was spending time with my cousin Jess Mullican and his son Jacob.A strong story from the Bible.
A “R.A. Salad” at Dry Creek Camp: croutons, cheese, and bacon bits. R.A.s is a Baptist Boys Mission Group.