What we’re about in 2016:
1. Staying Curious.
2. Being Amazed.
3. Telling Stories.
It’s Friday, which means it’s time to think about LLL.
That’s Life Long Learning.
It’s the reason I want to stay curious,discover, and share good stories.
I. This week’s word is Gratitude.
Here’s my favorite story on gratitude: Vance Gill, my guitar-playing Dry Creek friend (who I always remind that he’s only one vowel from being famous) shared this: “I was working one Saturday on a busted water line, and it was a mess. I stopped, looked around, got down on my knees and thanked God I had running water.”
That’s gratitude.
And it is an attitude.
And it’s a habit (just like its opposite number, complaining).
Other gratitude-filled stories:
Is Ingratitude a Sin?
A Spray-Painted Prayer
II. What I’m listening to: I subscribe to about ten audio Podcasts and listen to them while driving or exercising. It turns the truck or treadmill into a rolling library.
My favorite daily podcast is Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac. It’s always less than five minutes, has an overview of famous dates in history, and ends with a short poem.
These are my subscribed podcasts from my iPad.
- What podcasts do you follow? Reply here.
III. A Life-Shaping Quote:
Visit the Creekbank Quotes Page to see more.
IV. A Foundational Scripture:
Unless the Lord builds the house, its laborers labor in vain.
Psalm 127:1
V. A Favorite Photo
View from dogtrot porch at The Old House, Dry Creek, Louisiana. Most of my twelve books have been birthed in that rocker.
Here are recent Creekbank blog posts:
Louisiana Rain
The Deer Hunter
Book signings this week:
Saturday, October 1 Westside Library Alexandria
Saturday, October 1 Tamp and Grind Coffee Alexandria
Monday, October 3 Hidden Grounds Coffee Pineville
Tuesday, October 4 Jennings Rotary Club
How you can pray for us:
- Pray that our new African memoir, Trampled Grass, will find its way into the hands and hearts of readers.
- I meet with a group of five men in a mentoring/learning time. Pray that I’ll be a good learner and teacher.
- Pray for the Kakwa people group of Uganda/South Sudan/DRC. They are a key group in reaching the West Nile region with the Gospel. Reply to this email with your prayer needs.
Readers are enjoying our new book, Trampled Grass. You can easily order your copy here. We’ll send your autographed book with an invoice.
It’s the 75th anniversary of the Louisiana Maneuvers and America’s entry into World War II. A Spent Bullet (my favorite Creekbank book) tells the unlikely love story in the midst of a memorable time.
Both books are available in print and ebook formats.
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PO Box 6060
Alexandria, LA 71307