Graffiti on the wall of a Liberian Displaced Person’s Camp home.
“He that bring(s) bread brings life.”
Below it is written Proverbs 17:1
“It is better to eat a dry crust of bread with peace (of mind) than have a banquet in a house full of trouble.”
I wonder about the person who wrote this. I wonder about what they’d been through and where they are now. I know two things: they knew what it meant to be truly hungry, and they realized that any food eaten in peace (not the midst of war) is received with gratitude.
I’d love to have sat down with this person. I know they could teach me much about bread, peace, and compassion.
I think about bread bringing life, and I turn to my favorite “Jesus Word:” Compassion.
In Matthew 9:36, the writer says of my Jesus, “when he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”
Then Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
Compassion. It’s my favorite “Jesus Word.”
It’s a word I need to install more in my life and actions.
It’s a word that I don’t need to travel to another continent to use. Compassion is just as needed in Beauregard Parish, Louisiana as it is in Africa.
Lord, teach me your compassion.
Hi Curt,
I'm glad you took back with you many things from Liberia, many memories and photos, especially the graffiti (about bread, life and peace) on the wall of a former displaced Liberian. That's how the war was like, from Sierra Leone through Liberia. I'm glad you came and you saw and you felt it. The wounds are getting healed slowly but surely. Creekbank will add our story to the many stories it had told. This is our story, the story to survive, even now. God bless you and the team.
E. Ponga
Ricks Institute, Liberia
Thank you for sharing the photos and pieces of your journey.
May God continue to heal the wounds.