The Ripple Effect continues
I received three journeyman prayer cards yesterday.
They were from Micah, Erica, and Lydia.
I’ve never met Micah, but I love him and am proud of him. His mother, Debbie Walley, was one of my closest friends through the Baptist Student Union at La. College. Micah is going to Kenya as an International Mission Board “journeyman,” a 2-year program for single college grads. Micah is answering the question a veteran African missionary asked me, “Where are all of the Southern boys? (Over 80% of “journeymen” are journey-girls, or J-girls.)
Micah’s mother reminded me of the part Dry Creek Camp played in her spiritual growth and missions vision.
Erica and Lydia are both “Dry Creekers.” They’ve been part of our summer staff program at Dry Creek Camp. They didn’t know each other until they were recently in training in Virginia. One of them had on a Dry Creek t-shirt (found all over the world) and they connected.
I can’t tell you the countries these two girls are going to. They’re traveling to closed countries where they’ll face many challenges.
They each sent a letter detailing how their years on staff at Dry Creek influenced the missions direction they are following.
That’s why I believe in the ministry of our Christian camps, especially a place I love called Dry Creek.
Pray for Micah, Lydia, and Erica.
Curt Iles