A word from Curt.
Team. Tribe. Unit.
They’ve always been some of my favorite words.
They signify working together. The sum being greater than the parts. A united group coming together to do something the doubters said couldn’t be done.
Well, together, we’ve done it! We have exceeded our Kickstarter goal of $4000. Thank you!
The current amount will allow us to produce As the Crow Flies as a paperback, ebook, and in Braille. We are also approaching the amount needed to add a large print edition.

The pledge below is one of our best deals to back:

We’re sweetening the deal on the three book set: We’ll mail the first two books (The Wayfaring Stranger and A Good Place) in late June. This will allow time to read both of them and be ready for the sequel, As the Crow Flies, in late August.
We’re paying shipping costs on both shipments!
Don’t delay! This is a limited offer.
There are currently 40 slots left on the 3 book special.
Also, time is ticking. Our Kickstarter campaign ends at midnight on Thursday.
Pledge at http://kck.st/2plqOOY

Learn more at http://kck.st/2plqOOY