Packing Light . . . Packing Carefully

In our latest Open Hands Africa newsletter, I quote my favorite poem from my best-loved American poet, Robert Frost.

I’ll feature it on a future blog as well as my second best-loved poet.  You’ll be surprised.


Reminder: Don’t go into the Bush

without your light, batteries, and battery-operated fan!

Packing Light


“Don’t get on the plane with any regrets.”

– A veteran missionary as we prepared to leave the U.S.

Our Missions Aviation Fellowship plane has strict baggage weight allowances.

We’re each allowe15 Kg (just over 30 lbs.).

We’re packing carefully for this week-long trip.

As I’ve mused over this, I began thinking about the following prayer:

A Prayer for Packing

Lord, we’re going on a trip

To a place we’ve never been.

Help us pack carefully.

Guide us in what to leave in

As well as what to leave out.


Fill our hearts so full of your love

So that  jealousy, regret, or bitterness

has no place to fit.

Teach us to leave behind the baggage

That so easily weighs and slows us down.*


Finally Lord, help us pack the essentials.

Along with flashlights and mosquito nets,

Help us have love and patience.

Two qualities that transcend language.

Grant us listening ears and open hearts.


On this trip.

This journey.

This safari** is all about You.

Not us.

Go with us.

Go before us.

Stay over us.

In Jesus’ name.



*Hebrews 12:1

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.

**Safari is the Swahili word for “journey or trip.”



Fishing shirts: light weight, pack easily, wash in the sink and dry overnight.
Fishing shirts: light weight, pack easily, wash in the sink and dry overnight.


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