A Hero named Margaret/A Miracle named Adeit

"Kawaja, why is there hair on your arm?"
“Kawaja, why is there hair on your arm?”



A word from Curt

Today’s word is a favorite:  Hero




A Hero named Margaret


I do not use the word Hero lightly.

It’s a medallion-like word reserved for angels and brave men and women.

That’s why Margaret is a hero.

Margaret lost both of her parents in South Sudan’s war. A member of the Kuku Bari tribe, she became the guardian of her younger siblings.  In UN jargon, she became leader of a child-headed household.

A brother lost his life and his children became hers.  Others joined under the umbrella of her strength and courage.  There are new eight dependents living with and around her at Alere Refugee Camp.

She takes care of all of them but it doesn’t end there.  She cooks simple meals for the children of her camp and sells them at a low cost to the neighbourhood children.

That’s how Margaret came to know Adeit.  As she watched the children trudging up the hill to the local school, she noticed a preteen girl with a deformed foot.  The girl left earlier than the others to make it to school on time.  In the afternoon, the girl limped past long after the others had sprinted down the hill.

About two months, I met the little girl with the club foot.  Her name is Adeit and her smile captured my heart.

Coy Webb, a new friend from Kentucky, and I were visiting the PSNs of Alert refugee camp.  PSNs are the People with Special Needs.

They are the vulnerable.   The young child, the elderly women, the infirm, blind, the orphan.

Coy and I met Adeit.

It was at the end of a long week.  The last visit at the last camp.

I nearly suggested that we not visit any more homes. We’d seen enough to break any heart.

I would have been a much poorer man if we hadn’t met Adeit.

She was cutting onions.  Her large Dinka smile made me forget to even ask what made her PSN.

Our guide pointed to her left foot which faced backwards.  Adeit just shrugged and smiled.

I gave her a deck of Uno cards and took her photo.

Adeit with her Uno Cards from the Ed O'Neal family
Adeit with her Uno Cards from the Ed O’Neal family

I didn’t really expect to see her again.

But Adeit took up residence in my heart. I found myself glancing at that photo daily.

Shortly afterwards is when God began moving.









With your permission, I’ll continue Adeit’s story in the next (Tuesday 20 May blog)


Adeit, her mother Rebbeca, and Hero Margaret
Adeit, her mother Rebbeca, and Hero Margaret













  1. I read your postings every day, and I was surprised to see the one about Adeit and to see our family’s name mentioned concerning the UNO cards. I am grateful to have a beautiful face to associate with the meager gift that we sent.
    I pray for your safety daily.
    In Christ, Becky O’Neal

  2. Becky, You may consider your gift as meagre but much is in it when God blesses it.

    Adeit’s story is an unfolding part of it.

    You never know, God might lead y’all to come over here and meet Adeit. (Hint, hint, hint) I’m serious. Knuckles are tentatively planned for 2015 trip.

  3. Colleen Glaser

    I am ezxcited about all the new friends I am about to make in Uganda!

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