You’ll enjoy this You Tube video of our whale watching trip. Wow!
The Week that Was
My 2016 mantra is simple:
- Stay Curious.
- Be Amazed.
- Share about it. It’s pretty simple. It’s who I am.
At age 60, I am committed to remaining a curious soul. I also wish to be amazed by the world around me. Amazed. Not cynical or bored. Amazed.
Then I have this deep desire to share stories. It’s part of my DNA. It’s who I am.
Each Saturday I share photos and notes from the past week. This week truly was amazing. I crossed several items off my bucket list and was privileged to see a new part of the world.
Our son Terry, his wife Sara, and our granddaughter Emma moved to the Boston area. DeDe and I traveled along from North Carolina to New England. You’ve never had fun until you drive a moving van through New York City at 3 am.
I’ve always loved Walden by Henry David Thoreau. Terry and Sara live about half an hour from Walden Pond. I took my dogeared copy to the spot where Thoreau lived and wrote.

The highlight of our week was whale watching in the Atlantic. Don’t miss this one minute video.

See accompanying video of Humpback whales showing off.