What Really Matters: My Life Statement


What Really Matters: My Life Statement

Scroll down for an expanded version of My Life Statement

As of Monday, July 22, 2024

Throughout my adult life, I’ve kept a journal of my priorities, which I call “My Life Statement.”

I’m sharing them to encourage you to develop your own statement. Make it personal.  Write it down. Do it now.

I fall short in every word and sentence below, but having a Life Statement has made a tremendous difference in my life.

My Life Statement:

“Be a man God can use,

be an encourager,

and be respected by those who know me best.”


My Life Verse

“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you.”

-Matthew 6:33



7 Words to Live by

1.     Perseverance

2.     Reach: Influence and Impact

3.     “LLL” Lifelong Learner

4.     Legacy

5.    Kindness  

6.    Passion

7.    Stewardship


My Credo: Irrevocable No’s

“Say no to say yes”

I will have “Irrevakable Nos” in my life. There are certain things I have decided in advance to not do.

Even on good things, I’ll often say “No” so I can say “Yes” to something more important.

“I’m most proud of the things I’ve said ‘No’ to.”

  1. I will not cheat on my wife, DeDe.
  2. I will not take money that doesn’t belong to me.
  3. I will not lie.
  4. I will not intentionally hurt anyone. If I do, I’ll try to make it right.
  5. I will not be unkind.
  6. I will not talk ill of anyone behind their back. If there is a problem, I’ll address it promptly, personally, and face-to-face.
  7. I will not be touchy but seek to live The Unoffended Life.
  8. I will not coast.



Curt Iles

Creekbank Stories



You have permission to copy, share, and adapt.

January 22, 2024


These are DRAFT details I’ll be gleaning for this blog:


Unfinished Draft as of July 22, 2024

Tipping Point  Connectors   Mavens   Friend Collector

I wish to have reach.

I believe my words are worth recording.

It’s never been about  me.

I’m not interested in being famous, and definitely learned you won’t get rich as an author.

But I want reach.


Until my dying day,

Scattered throughout Where I Come From are stories illustrating each of 6 words.


I’m not going tell you what the keywords in my life mean. I’m going to tell you a story. Everyone likes a story.  And a good story always connects with people’s hearts.


Throughout Where I Come From, you’ll see various principles woven into the xx stories.

Being a lifelong learner means living with a sense of curiosity,  You’ll ccccccc

I want to be a lifelong learner. I want LLL stamped across my forehead.


I want to maintain the childhood curiosity I’ve never been able to outgrow.


You’ll find this in nearly every story. I crawled under many a rock to discover the stories in this book.  Writing can be hard work.  That’s why most people don’t stick with it.


Others have flown into my lap and I wrote this as easily and quickly as I breathe


Throughout Where I Come From, we’ll discuss legacy repeatedly. It’s a big part of the Pineywoods culture, and is much more about living than dying.


I write about legacy in my story  THE SEED TREEXXXXXXXX,  Suffice to say, legacy is about what we’re remembered for and who we’re remembered by.    Also Mrs. Trelvis  the cedar stories


It seems many of my stories on legacy deal with trees, forests, and fencelines. That’s because these things are a big part of Pineywoods culture.


It’s not a dead word.   You don’t have to die to have a legacy.  In fact, you’re working on your legacy as we speak.  Be a good steward and most the most of your time and opportunities. That’s legacy.


The story of Hugh Thompson is a lesson on integrity.  He stood on the levee of a Vietnamese rice paddy and did the right thing o

n one of the darkest days of our country’s most xxx war. Interity is what you’re willing to stand for, even if your’e standing alone.


Who you are when no one is watching.


Integrity is who we are when no one is looking and what we’re willing to stand for even if we are standing alone.


What’s popular isn’t always right, and what’s right isn’t always popular.


The story a hero named Hugh Thompson in Chapter,  “XXXXXXXX” is one of the best illustrations of integrity I know.


Finally, I want to known for kindness.

Being kind is not a weakness.  Real strength is always kind.




One is about the xxxx kindness of a community.

The other is the kindest person I kn ow.


AND GREG  “XXXXX   XXX” in Chapter XX 


is an example of the kindness of a community towards a LEGENDARY lady.




It’s hard to stop at six words, so we’ll give you a seventh:


I believe we’re called to be good stewards of everything God has placed in our hands.  My favorite story on this is found in Chapter XXXm  “Elmer’s Hand.”


Langiappe    a little something extra  ao you are whenthe doing


is what you do with what you have.


It can mean visible things and assets but more often stewardship involves the relationships and connections.


The words and stories in Where I Come From have been put into my stewardship.  Into my mind, heart, and hands.


Others may could’ve told them better, but I have the responsibility of stewarding into your hands and hearts.



  1. Leisha Courville

    Loved UncleSam: a horse’s tale
    My 8 year old granddaughter bought it at Camp pearl..
    Our entire family go horseback riding in Camp Claiborne and other places in Kisatchie National Forest . We go around the Forest Hill area .We have seen a small herd of horses , about 7 of them .
    My family was raised in Reeves ,La. and 2 brothers still live on the home place of Bernard Fontenot’s .
    Can’t wait to get another book !!

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