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Oct. 14: Billy Ray
He who wins souls is wise.
-Proverbs 11:30
It’s a Southern thing, y’all. We like our double first names.
I’ve got my Aunt Margie Nell and my Aunt Lloydell. We all know Billy Bob, Jerry Jeff, and Peggy Sue.
And then there’s Billy Ray.
In the world of Dry Creek Camp, there will always only be one Billy Ray.
We seldom used his full name, Billy Ray Franks. Most often, it was Bro. Billy Ray and always said with a sign of respect. Of course, at Dry Creek Camp, it was always Billy Ray and Ramona. They were a DeQuincy couple who directed Dry Creek’s Preteen Camps for a generation. They were, and are, family at Dry Creek.
Billy Ray was quiet. Even shy. You had to lean in to hear him.
But when he spoke, we all listened.
Billy Ray Franks died this week. I said my goodbye last week.
Billy Ray Franks was many things, but most of all, he was a soul winner.
Here are my favorite three stories about this unforgettable man:
I. This week’s word is Relationships.
One thing I’ve learned: Everything about life depends on the quality of our relationships.
II. Do you have a Life Song? What about a Life Playlist?
My Life Song is “How Firm a Foundation.” Click here to see my favorite verse of this song.
A Life Playlist consists of the songs that mean the most in your life. See my Life Playlist.
- What would be your Life Song? Reply here.
IV. A Foundational Scripture:
When pride comes, then comes disgrace.
-Proverbs 11:2
V. A Favorite Photo
My daughter-in-law Amanda calls it, “The most beautiful house in SW Louisiana.” It’s the Dry Creek home, built by my Dad and Mom in 1960, where my sisters and I grew up. I’m so grateful for still enjoying coffee with my Mom in her kitchen.
Here are recent Creekbank blog posts:
The Trampled Grass Photo Gallery
- I’m mentoring a group of young men on Life Planning. Pray for guidance.
- In November, I’ll be working with Cenla authors during NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) to complete their novels.
- DeDe and I are serious grandparents. Pray for our influence and love with our nine grandchildren.
Reply to this email with your prayer needs.