We continue looking at a chapter of Proverbs daily. Today is March22, so it’s chapter 22.
The first verse of this chapter is probably my favorite in the entire 31 chapters.
“A good name is to be desired above great riches.”
Being given a good name, i.e. being handed the legacy of respect by our parents and forbearers, is a wonderful gift.
It’s the best inheritance of all according to this verse.
If we’ve been given that good name, we should have gratitude to God and thankfulness for those who gave it to us.
If you weren’t “given a good name” for whatever reason, pray to leave that good name to your children and the ones who come after you.
“Lord, teach me to major on what’s most important. I can’t leave a good name to my children without your help. Help me to walk wisely and in humility. Amen.”