Mon. Nov. 22: The Gratitude-Filled Life

Our theme for the week at the Creekbank is living with thankfulness.

I like to call it “The Gratitude-Filled Life.”  It’s the state of being thankful to God for each and every blessing in our lives.

Thrifty Way Pharmacy DeRidder, LA November 2010

I caught the gratitude-bug when I saw this sign at our pharmacy. We do have so much to be thankful for.

I’d love to hear from you about how you’re counting your blessings this week. What are you most thankful for?


  1. I am most thankful that my God is in full control no matter how dumb MY decisions are!

  2. I am thankful that I have God in my life. I am thankful for my wonderful husband and my children and their spouses and all of my grandchildren. I am also thankful for my church (Dry Creek Bible Church) and for this wonderful community (Dry Creek) that I live in. I am thankful that no matter what the circumstances, I can turn all my worries over to the Lord and he will see me through it.

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