Monday, July 29: It’s a Big Writing Day at the Creekbank.

Monday, July 29: It’s a Big Writing Day at the Creekbank.

Follow this post as I add photos and text.

We’ll be blogging throughout the day as I work on our upcoming short story collection, Where I Come From.

We’re shooting for a release date of Black Friday 2024.

There’s an adage in writing,  “A book needs friends before it needs readers.”

Come join us as a Friend of the Creekbank Family as we move forward.

It’s a long writing day, so I take my lunch.


I take my job as a writer seriously.

It’s my job as well as my calling.

“I writer is someone who wrote today.”

I’m blogging today at www, about my writing process and organization to put together a book.


The “30,000-foot view” of the chapters for “Where I Come From.”

Organizing a book takes planning and taking care to remember the big picture.

I call it the “30,000-foot view.”

I use a large sketchpad. Each Post-it note is a chapter in the book.  The color codes are for the draft status of the chapter.

Being eccentric and outdoor-oriented, each color is either a Tree (finished), Sapling, or Seedling (first draft/outline.)

My daily goal is to move at least one story from each category to the next level.


“Hugh Thompson on Integrity” is a story about one of my heroes. Google “Hugh Thompson,” and you’ll understand why.

“Hugh Thompson on Integrity” is a story about one of my heroes.

Google “Hugh Thompson,” and you’ll understand why.

More to come as the day progresses.


As always, Enjoy!


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