Nary a Car . . .
Nary a Car: the parking lot at Roy O. Martin’s Oakdale OSB Mill.
Today, I’m writing about living in the Pickup Truck Culture of western* Louisiana.
Where I come from, every man has a truck.
I live in town (Alexandria) and may only haul my dog and an occasional rich pine fence post, but I drive a truck.
It’s part of the culture where I’m from, and it’s who I am.
I’ll be writing about that today. Check in on this blog throughout the day for more thoughts, stories, and unforgettable photos.
*Is it western Louisiana or Western Louisiana?
Pray for me as I make my chaplain rounds at the mills today. It is a privilege to build relationships with the men and women who work for RoyOMartin. Pray that I’ll listen, smile, firmly shake hands, and stay out of the way of forklifts. Pray that I’ll have Gospel Conversations as God opens the door.
Line of log trucks at Oakdale Mill