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See dirt? Throw seeds.
It’s one of my favorite quotes.
It’s simple but profound.
See dirt? Throw seeds.
It is a multi-faceted statement. Here are several applications:
If we see a situation that needs improving, get involved and make a difference. Dig in and become part of the solution.
Secondly, when we throw seeds, we may not be around to see them grow into full plants with a full harvest.
Still: See dirt? Throw seeds.
Thirdly, we seek to influence and impact the lives of others. That’s why we throw the seeds as far out as possible.
Finally, as a Jesus-Follower, I am called to help spread the Gospel seed around the world. With the Internet, our involvement can be truly world-wide.
In the 21st Century, we can literally sow seeds from our neighborhood “to the end of the earth.”
See dirt? Throw seeds.
Takeaway: We can make a difference by using our platform and influence to change the world around us.
Curt Iles
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As always, Enjoy!