Our home association of churches, Beauregard Baptist Association, has been an integral part of our work in Africa.
This is a compilation of various ways they are involved.
Beauregard Baptist Family,
Greetings from DeDe and I. We are so thankful (Phil. 1:3) to God for each of you. When we left in 2012, you promised to hold the rope for us.
You’ve kept your promise to pray, give, and come.
I want to especially thank you for rising to the challenge of supporting our South Sudanese/northern Ugandan church leaders in our Seminaries.
Here are a few names and faces with BBA connections:
The Henry Carter class at First Baptist DeRidder is supporting Thomas Tut at Kenya Baptist Theological College (KTBC). Thomas (shown below) is pastor of Kakuma 4 (Refugee Camp) Nuer Baptist Church.
Good Hope Baptist is so faithful to hold the rope in so many ways. They are sponsoring Robert Chadiga, a young Madi man. He is a student at Uganda Baptist Seminary (UBS) in their certificate program.
Diamond Baptist has volunteered to work with Simon Akuku, another Madi pastor who serves at Laropi Baptist Church. His strategic church sits on the Nile River in northern Uganda.
Temple Baptist is supporting two young church leaders, Daniel Opio and Geoffrey Palanda. Today (14 April) is Daniel’s first day at UBS. His fellow Madi student, Geoffrey, is waiting until July to begin classes.
Daniel Opio is from Openzi Baptist Church in Adjumani, Uganda.
New Life’s SALT class is partnering with Matthew Ajwara, pastor at Kakuma Camp’s Anyuak Baptist Church. Pastor Matthew, a widower with small children, is a faithful pastor and student at KBTC.
Our home church, Dry Creek Baptist, has just completed their sixth trip to the Kakwa of Uganda/DR Congo/South Sudan. There are now eight “baby churches” among the Kakwa refugees in West Nile Uganda.
A Kakwa man listens to the Gospel from the Story Cloth.
We are also busy getting God’s word into the hands, hearts, and ears of our unreached groups. We’re seeing good results through audio Bibles, printed Bibles in heart languages, and “The Jesus Film.”
Keep holding the rope!
Curt and DeDe Iles