The Key Sentences in ‘Where We All Belong’



Friends and Readers,

We’re putting the final touches on our upcoming novel, Where We All Belong.

Don’t give up on us. There are many moving parts in getting a book into your hands.

I really believe the final product will be worth the wait.

Remember, it takes a village to raise a book and you’re a part of the Creekbank Tribe.

Here are the key sentences peppered throughout the book. I’d love your questions and feedback.


Curt Iles

Key Sentences in WWAB: 

As of SAT 2 DEC


The first five minutes in captivity determines where a prisoner of war lives or dies.

“Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to arbeiten.  work

“Don’t forget. These people are our enemy.”

He’s a tall oak in a field of weeds.

All my life you have been faithful.

I made a promise I intend to keep

Just because it’s so, doesn’t make it right.

My prayer: “I hope in my lifetime . . .”

We will be friends and never again be enemies.

I wish only the best for you when this terrible war is over.

Fraulein, I wish for you a happy life. I really do

I choose to believe.

My prayer is that our two nations will never again go to war against each other. That there will be peace among us for generations and centuries to come.

We believe so we can see.

I’m stronger in the broken places

“Hitler said that we’d march across America, but he didn’t tell us we’d be carrying shovels instead of rifles.”

“Poppa, you’ve always said you’ve got to be an optimist to be a farmer.”

“Lebensraum.  Room to grow. That’s what the Fuhrer said Germany needed.

If he can’t come to  get/where I’m at, I’ll go where he is.

“I’d rather be in Germany with Noah than be  without him here.”

“I’ll be with him in his world than be without him in mine.

Remember where you came from.

That is a remarkable trip, but I can tell you are a remarkable young woman.

I would never bet against Maggie Löewer.

Sometimes you’ve just got to throw your hat over the wall.

and cross the Rubicon

I take rough things and make them smooth.

The Lord was with Joseph in the prison.

Everyone needs to have somewhere to belong.

“That’s Maggie Löewer. The bravest girl to ever come out of Mowata, Louisiana.”

He held them in his hands: They were two books that would change his life..

Sowed the wind. Reaped the whirlwind.

The good soil

What is it about the German character?

I was born in a small Southern town. I grew up with family and friends all around

“Look, they’ve got a windmuhle. It’s been a long time since I saw a windmill. It was in a different life.”

I made a promise I intend to keep.

I made a promise to myself to ride it all the way.

“They don’t make them like that anymore.”

“Son, I want to warn you. She’s a firecracker.”

It’s not crazy to talk to a dog. They’re good listeners and never argue.

The Harvest: taking time to sharpen your sickle.  “If you’re going to cut a tree in six hours, spend five hours sharpening your saw, then one hour cutting.”


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