Don’t Carry a Lazy Man’s Load

Thoughts on Carrying a Lazy Man’s Load

I’m guilty of it. Been guilty of it most of my life. That was proven again today when I was unloading my work truck and tried to bring everything in the house in one load. Just as I got in the kitchen, my iPad slid out from my armload of books, papers, and mail. I knew I’d cracked the screen once it hit the tile floor.
Trying to make one big load instead of two sensible loads led to breaking my iPad. I had no one to blame but myself. I was carrying a Lazy Man’s Load.  It’s defined as trying to do too much at one time and often results in disasters like my drop.
If I could live my life over, I’d carry less Lazy Man Loads. I’d slow down some, not try to carry or do everything.
I’d say no more, while still saying yes to the things that really matter.
The myth of multi-tasking is just that. It’s a myth. Our mind is made to focus on one thing at a time. In western society, we pride ourselves on how many things we can (try to) do at once.
We don’t leave any room for margin in our lives. We don’t step away and return with a clearer big picture.  My recent trip to The Appalachian Trail was about that. I purposely went solo. I needed time alone in nature, walking in the mountains and getting closer to the Lord.  On about the third day of the trip, as my mind untangled and thoughts flowed, I prayed, “Lord, I want to feel your presence more on this trip. I need to pray more.”
In my heart of hearts, I believe God’s Spirit said, “Then why don’t you just shut up, walk, and listen.”
I was reminded that prayer isn’t me doing all of the talking. It’s also about listening, and that’s what I did for the remainder of the trip. I listened and looked and felt God’s presence in everything around me.
And I came back more determined than ever not to invest the remaining days of my life abstaining from carrying a Lazy Man’s Load.


What I’m reading

Triggers by  Marshall Goldsmith. A fine book on how people can change their behavior.
In the Place of Justice by Wilbert Rideau.   I listened to the audiobook on my drive to the Georgia hike. Like Rideau himself, the book is controversial but a must-read by anyone in SW Louisiana and beyond. From my boyhood, I’ve followed the case of Rideau, who killed a bank teller and shot two others in 1961.  Julia Ferguson, Rideau’s victim, was a sister of Lloyd Bushnell of Dry Creek.
In the Shadow of Statues by Mitch Landrieu.   Another controversial book, this one by the mayor of New Orleans. It is more of a memoir of how Landrieu grew up and developed his views on race and more.   Another must-read for Louisiana readers.
Ahead of the Curve by Brian Kenney.     A contrarian’s view on the game of baseball and how it should be played.
Ain’t There No More: A coffee-table-sized book about Louisiana’s disappearing coastline.
Going back to my Lazy Man’s Load theme, Essentialism by Greg McKewon, has the theme of “Less is Better.” A book I return to again and again.

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