A word from Curt
The following comes via my friend, agent Chip MacGregor. He shared these questions back in 2012 and I try to take this “February Questionnaire” each year. Chip gives credit on the questions to Bobb Biehl.
I’d encourage you to read this and jot down answers to these life questions.
Wishing you the best in 2019.
February Habits
“Whenever we get past the January “New Year resolutions” and starting moving into the February “reality of winter” season, it’s nice to spend a few moments taking stock. I tend to think a lot of people overestimate what they can do in the month of January — but then February comes along and we start thinking seriously about what we’re going to accomplish during the year. My buddy Bobb Biehl used to suggest everyone ask themselves a few questions when they got to the month of February:
–Who is the ONE PERSON I would most like to help or develop this year?
–Who is the ONE PERSON I would most like to learn from this year?
–If I could only do ONE BIG THING this year, what would it be?
–What is the ONE THING I would most like to buy this year?
–Where is the ONE PLACE I would most like to go this year?
–What is the ONE ROADBLOCK holding me back this year?
–What ONE THING could I do to remove that roadblock?
–What is the ONE THING I do best?
–What is the ONE NEED I feel most deeply burdened by and uniquely qualified to meet?
–What is the ONE TRUTH I would most like to share with people this year?
–What is the ONE HABIT I would most like to stop this year?
–What is the ONE HABIT I would most like to start this year?
–In what ONE AREA of my life I would most like to grow this year?
(Questions from Bobb Biehl)
Chip MacGregor ended his 2012 post with the following:
Could I ask you to do something? Sometime, over the next couple weeks, would you spend a few moments thinking about these questions? Just sit down over coffee and maybe write down a thought for each question. Skip the ones you just don’t have an answer for. What you write could be just for you, or you could share your thoughts with a friend or your significant other. Don’t think of this as “an assignment.” It’s just a way to get some perspective early in the year, as we start thinking seriously about what we want to accomplish this year.