Thoughts on Turning Sixty-Eight


Thoughts on Turning 68


And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me . . .”  I Chronicles 4:10


I turn 68 in a couple of weeks. Now, I’m not planning on going anywhere, but I’m in a season of life for reflection.

I still have many goals and dreams. They’re in my journal so I can review and mull over them. As I recently flipped through those pages, I thought:

 I hope I leave some unfinished work.


You heard it right: I want to leave behind some unfinished work.

That means I’ll be working until my last breath, seeking to influence my world.

I have no plans to coast or get too comfortable.

I know I won’t get to everything I’ve planned.

But that’s not a bad thing.

If that unfinished work is worthy, someone else will pick it up and take it to another level.

Carry that dream to a higher plane.

That makes me happy.

I’m going to make sure I’m busy for the Kingdom, so I can leave some unfinished work.

Yes, unfinished work.

I plan to leave a trail of it.



May 10, 2024

Alexandria, LA


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