“Lord, don’t let me get too comfortable.”


“Lord, don’t let me get too comfortable.”


I’m at the season of my life where it’d be easy to get comfortable.


Too comfortable.


To give in and coast to the finish line.


But I want to get out of my comfort zone.


And in this day and age, that’s difficult to do. It’s so much easier to stay in our cocoon safely.


I’m not complaining about the comforts of life in the 21st century. I enjoy AC, Wi-Fi, and What-A-Burger as much as the next guy.


But I have a deep fear of getting too comfortable.


Instead of being comfortable, I wish to be content.


These two C words are very different.


Here’s a good story on contentment:  My wife, DeDe, recently shared about our sojourn in Africa with our Bible study group. 


Someone asked, “How did it feel to sell your house and possessions and journey to another continent?”


DeDe’s reply was succinct, “I’ve never been more content in my life.”


Contentment is living happily with what you have and who you are.


In a Comfort Zone, we get too comfortable, ease off the gas pedal, take no chances, and become lazy.


And laziness is much more than physical. 


There’s spiritual laziness.

There’s intellectual laziness.

And there’s emotional laziness.


All are bad. None are good.

As I look in the mirror this morning, I’m asking three questions:


What is my comfort zone?

What do I need to do to get out of my comfort zone?

What am I going to do about it?


I hope your day is contented but not too comfortable.


Curt Iles 

May 3, 2024


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