We’re away (beginning Wed. 12 March) from the world of internet for most of the next week. DeDe and I are traveling in northern Uganda with a Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief team.
They are representing Baptist Global Response and learning how we can touch the needs of refugees from South Sudan and Democratic Congo.
You can follow our journey here at http://www.creekbank.net/blog as well as Twitter (#UpCountry) and Facebook (curtiles).
Africa is a place of animals.
And characters.
This is a brief story about both.
Daizy Mae Thomas has strode into our lives and changed us forever. You’ll understand how and why when you meet her in Louisiana. Daizy is the newly adopted daughter of our friend KB Thomas. Many of you have followed their story through KB’s Facebook page. If you haven’t drop by.

Daizy has a great love for all things.
Except dogs. She has the proverbial fear of God about any and all dogs.
It’s going to be quite an adjustment to Pineville and Central Louisiana because we Southerners love our dogs.
DeDe asked Daizy about this and she said, “I don’t want a dog when I go to America.”
She thought for a while. “And I don’t want a cat either.” Then she smiled in the way that has captured
our hearts. “But I wouldn’t mind a goat.”
So here is your first and only warning: If you see a girl walking around the Louisiana College campus and
she’s got a big smile . . . and she’s leading a billy goat, tell Daizy (and her goat) hello.

Goats are a part of daily life in Africa. Last week, Ethan and I rode a ferry across the Nile and sat next to a
farmer with a goat on a leash.