Curt’s Life Plan
as of 8 November 2016
Blue text denotes updates
There’s nothing special about me, but I am committed to being a “L.L.L.”.
That’s “Life Long Learner.” I have (and want to maintain) a curiosity about all things and learn something new daily. That’s why I keep a reading list and life plan.
My 6+ Words
- My JWalk
- Integrity!
- Influence and Impact
- Encouragement!
- Gratitude
- LLL Long Long Learning
- Legacy
I strive to live the “Wowed Life” as in:
1. Stay Curious
2. Be Amazed
3. Tell Remarkable Stories that Resonate
Life Verse:
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33
Life Statement:
I want to be a man God can use and be respected by my wife, sons, and grandchildren.
My Heart Song
How Firm a Foundation
These are my two foundational verses:
1. How firm a foundation ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in his excellent word;
What more can he say than to you he hath said?
You, who unto Jesus, for refuge have fled.
7. “The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose,
I will not, I cannot, desert to his foes:
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I’ll never – no, never, no, never forsake!”
Curt Iles
1 Page Summary
10Pins To Live by
Pin 1: My daily personal walk with Jesus.
My Jesus-Walk
I want to seek after my precious Jesus with all of my heart, time, and love. I wish to grow in constant prayer and intimacy with Him.
“ . . . they took note that they had been with Jesus.” Acts 4:13
What Matters Most:
Bible Study:
- Daily:
- Pray without Ceasing
- Hunger and Thirst for Intimacy with Jesus
- Reflection and Meditation on the Word
- Journaling.
- Scripture Memorization
- Focused Prayer
- Meditation
Pin 2: Soul Care
I am a soul with a body.
To take care of others, I must take care of my soul and body.
Purpose Statement:
- I must take care of myself so I can fully take care of others and best serve God.
I will live a balanced life as Jesus outlined in Luke 2:52:
“And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.”
Wisdom Knowledge
Stature Physical
Favor with God Spiritual
Favor with man Social
Purpose Statement:
Being outdoors in nature keeps my feet on the ground.
Supporting Verse:
Be still and know that I am God. Psalms 46:10
My Goal:
- Spend maximum time outdoors
- Breathing Fresh Air
Pin 3: DeDe and our Family
DeDe’s friendship is my most important human relationship, so I will invest my time, love, and money in her. I will show this through Acts of Service, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.
Purpose Statement:
My friendship with DeDe is my most important human relationship, so I will invest my time, love, and money in her.
My Goals:
- Acts of Service
- Quality Time
- Physical Touch
Our Marriage Manifesto
1. We will seek to have a growing marriage.
2. We will expect the best out of each other.
3. We will keep all lines of communication open.
Our Marriage Signposts can be found at
I must take care of myself so I can fully take care of others. I will seek to live the balanced life as found in Jesus’ growth in Luke 2:52
My greatest legacy will be my family* so I will pour my resources (time, love, and money) into their lives. *Our sons/daughter in laws/grandchildren/Mom/Uncles/Aunts/Nephews/Nieces.
Luke the Red at Dry Creek after a day of bike-riding.
Pin 4: Creation
- My WRITING is to Influence and Impact lives through entertaining stories that educate, encourage, and inspire.
Craft of Writing
I am a good writer who is committed to becoming a great one.
Do you see a man skilled in his work, he will serve before kings.
Proverbs 22:29
My Writing Life
6A. Writing
If you wish to change your world, pick up a pen.
–Martin Luther
***Scroll down to see Future Books Bubbles
Pin 5: Planning and Vision
Scheduled Calendar Reviews
- Daily:
Read the Word/Journal the Word and Stories
Share/Zero out Email/Proper Rest/Healthy Reading/Exercise/Meditation on the Word/Prayer without Ceasing
- Weekly Sabbath modules Goal: 7-10 “modules” per week/3 in a row
- SOUL RETREATS /Weekly Review/Saturday Retreats
- Monthly 2x Personal Retreats/P and L sheet/Review-update-print life plan/Review-update-print 2013 Iles Calendar
- Quarterly end of March/June/Sept
- Yearly week after Christmas
“The examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotional process.”
“If have one day to cut down a tree, I spend six hours sharpening my saw.” -Abraham Lincoln
Plan your calendar or it will plan you:
C. Saying a Gracious “No”
- “Focus allows you to say NO.” -Steve Jobs
- What should I say “NO” to? Anything that doesn’t help people, lift up Jesus, influence and impact, or involve my family.
- What are the big “YESES” in my life? Jesus, Family, Influence/impact, my 6 words
What are the 5 Unbreakable Appointments I have in my life that are horse-high, bull-tough, and pig tight?
1. My daily walk and fellowship with Jesus.
2. My time in the Word
3. My growing relationship with DeDe
4. Being in contact with our Boys and their families
5. Looking for opportunities to share/pray about Jesus
I’m so thankful for my many friends. I have lifetime friends in the U.S. and so many new friends in Africa.
Pin 6: Relationships!
Because I’m committed to impact and influence, I will invest time in others, especially young people.
B. Mentoring
- Who am I mentoring?
- Who is mentoring me?
- Who are my accountability group?.
- Who is praying for me?
- Who is speaking truth into my life?
- Whom am I pouring my life into?
I am called to be an encourager and have influence (wide) and impact (deep) in my relationships
My Goal:
Stay in close proximity to my friends.
- I will answer and return emails/phone calls within a reasonable time.
- Lifelong Friends
- We will make all visitors welcome in whatever home God has given us.
- Guests will be invited in and offered coffee/water
- I will make maximum use of social media to stay in touch.
- Praying with others in my LifeSpace
- Finding out where they are with my Jesus
Pin 7 My Work
Pin 8 Impact/Influence and Marketing
******Read/Scroll down to read our 2016 Marketing Plan
- Add new items weekly
- Blog 3x week
- FACEBOOK/TWITTER/Pinterest/Instagram
- 3. Make use of PODCASTS
- Slideshows with music
4. E-LETTER Mail Chimp 2x Monthly
5. Email
- Handle once
- Zero balance daily:
6. Electronics
- I wish to use modern technology (laptop/phone/tablet) as tools for influence/impact and communication.
- I will take periodic Luddite Days away from technology.
Pin 9 Stewardship
DeDe and I will seek to be good stewardships of our time, energy, health, and resources.
Purpose Statement:
Everything we have belongs to God. We will seek to be good stewards through Open Hand Living.
Our STEWARDSHIP includes:
- Resources
- Love
- Land
- Talents
- Health
9A. Finances
- Stay debt free!*
- Be generous.
- Be content
*When you don’t have debt, you can tell your money what to do instead of it telling you.
–Dave Ramsey
I want to use our financial resources to:
Bless others.
Enjoy our family.
Support missions
Supporting Verse
As you measure, so it shall be measured unto you.
Mark 4
Open Hands Africa:
- We will operate this 501c3 ministry with utmost integrity and accountability.
- All monies will be used directly for missions, including volunteers.
Creekbank Stories
- We will operate CBS LLC at a monthly profit
Pin 10 Legacy!
2 Questions
Q. When it’s all said and done, how do I want to be remembered?
Q. What am I doing so I may Finish Strong?
When it’s all said and done.
- What is my exit strategy? “LTWBTYFI” *
* Leave this world better than you found it.
Never lose an opportunity at seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
- DeDe/Boys/Grandchildren
- Community/Friends/Church
- Co-workers
- Readers
- African friends
4. My Exit Strategy: Finishing Strong
- I seek to live my life so that when I step into the very presence of God, he will whisper, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
2016 Marketing Plan
Future Book Bubbles