I was taught by my sweet Momma to always way thank you.
So I want to simply say thank you to all of you who took part in this new method of preparing to publish a book.
It has lifted quite a burden off my shoulders to have the capital to produce a book rather than releasing it (in September 2017) deep in debt.
Thank you!
For those of you who backed the project, you’ll be debited for your pledged amount in the next two weeks. If you have any questions or problems, please contact me at curt@creekbank.net.
You’ll also receive a survey to gather your mailing address/email so we can see your rewards and books to you.
Even if you didn’t back but followed the campaign, you are part of the Creekbank Tribe. I encourage to follow our blog and Creekbank Stories Facebook page in the coming months as we walk together forward.
We need your prayer, encouragement, and help in spreading the word.
After writing twelve books, I’m aware that the toughest part of writing As the Crow Flies is finishing it.
I solicit your prayers and encouragement. I am both excited and terrified as I face this long manuscript and try to whip it into tip top shape. Pray hard!
You can stay in touch at www.creekbank.net as well. We’ll also be using My Book Progress to chart how the current edit is faring.
We write country stories about the memorable characters and history that make western Louisana’s Pineywoods so special.