Cool breeze in the pines.
October afternoon at The Old House
In the edge of Crooked Bayou Swamp.
All quiet on the Southern front
Except for the occasional acorn on the tin roof
And a murder of crows taunting a cat squirrel.

Built/Homesteaded circa 1892 John Wesley and Sarah Lyles Wagnon
Monday, October 8

We’re excited about the upcoming release of Christmas Jelly.
This short story collection features thirty short stories celebrating Christmas in the piney woods of Louisiana.
Stay tuned this week to our blog, Facebook page, and website for more information.
Two talented young people have lent their skills to Christmas Jelly.
Julian Quebedeaux has once again performed his magic and created a memorable cover for our latest book. In addition, he set up the interior of the book. Julian, a recent UNO film graduate, works as a librarian with the Calcasieu Parish Library in DeQuincy.
East Beauregard student Ashley Miller served as editor on this collection of stories, recipes, and tidbits celebrating Christmas in the unique piney woods of SW Louisiana. Ashley is a descendant of many pioneer families who settled in Louisiana’s “No Man’s Land” in the 19th century.

Click on images for larger view.
The painting shown on the back cover hangs in honor at The Old House in Dry Creek. It is one of our favorite paintings by my uncle, Bill Iles.