As of TUES 6 FEB
Combine with Israeli story “LEADERS EAT LAST”
Most people run away from trouble, while a few run toward it:
David as he faced Goliah:: ”This is the Lord’s battle, and he will give you to us!”
As Goliath moved closer to attack, David quickly ran out to meet him.“
* I Samuel 17:47-48
I only met Frank Foreman once, but he left a visible impression on me. That’s why I’m sharing his story..
I was speaking in the nearby town of Iowa, Louisiana senior adults. A cousin pointed him out. “That’s Frank Foreman. He’s a World War II veteran who won two Silver Stars in the Pacific.”
I walked over to visit with him. Frank Foreman was easy to talk with. He had a kind nature and was easy to connect with.
After several minutes, I asked, “Mr, Frank, do you mind if I ask you about your service in World War II?
They’re nearly all gone now, but I found that World War II veterans fall into three broad categories: Those who talk too much.Those who’ll never say a word.
There’s a middle group. They won’t bring up their service, but if asked will humbly share their story.
That was Frank Foreman.
“Curt, I joined the U.S. Army as a combat medic. In 1942, my division embarked for the Pacifc Theater of Operation.
We fought on the Islands of Guadalcanal New Georgia, Bougainville, and the Philippine island of Luzon.
“You won two Silver Stars as a medic, How did you show that kind of courage under fire.
“Curt, it was my job to go out there and help our men. I was just doing my job.
“But some days, I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t go out. Everyone, soldiers and other medics understood and pitched in.
You see, I didn’t have courage under fire every day.
But by the second day, I’d be ready to go out where the injured were.”
“And that was how you won two Silver Stars.”
I was just doing my job.
– Sergeant Frank Earl Foreman, born Jan. 12, 1920, passed away Sept. 30, 2022, at the age of 102.
He married the love of his life, Mary Lee Dauzat, and they celebrated 63 years of marriage. Frank was appointed Postmaster by Harry S. Truman in 1952, where he served the town of Iowa for 27 years.
An Iowa postmaster who showed courage.
End of Courage under fire.