March 31: Collecting Sayings

One of my hobbies is collecting rural sayings, quotes, and metaphors.

This Honduran pig wasn't dead but reminded me of a common La. saying.

“He’s as happy as a dead pig in the sunshine.”   I’ve always heard that in my neck of the woods.   When I took the above photo in Honduras, I told the villagers the saying .  When it was interpeted, they all laughed.  They’d never heard it before.

Last week I asked a fellow how he was doing.  His answer told a story:  “It’s been rough. I’ve been in a hard fight with a short stick.”  That told it all.

Do you have any rural sayings you like? I’d love to hear them.

Adobe bricks for new house in Honduras

In April I’ll be traveling to Honduras for a week of ministry and learning.  The photo above describes perfectly why I love the people of this country.  In the village of Pueblo Nuevo, a lady became homeless when her husband lost their home gambling and then disappeared with another woman.  Her church was in the process of building her a home when I took this photo.

I look forward to seeing this completed home in April.

As I travel the “developing world” I’m stunned by the truth that those who often seem to have so little are most willing to give sacrificially.

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