‘Where I Come From’ Chapter Titles and Taglines







Creekbank Family,

My upcoming short story collection is entitled Where I Come From: Field Notes from the Pineywoods.

I’ve listed chapter titles and taglines.  I’ll be adding new chapters, so stay tuned.

Most of these chapters have been published on the Creekbank.net/blog.

Take a look.

As always, I welcome your input. questions. and feedback

Curt Iles


Chapter Titles and Taglines

current as of March 18, 2024


INTRODUCTION “Horses” Introduction to Where I Come From
 THE SEED TREE Thoughts on leaving a legacy
PATTERANS Following the trail left by others
SIX WORDS TO LIVE BY The importance of words
FRIEND COLLECTING It is a hobby everyone can learn.
A BROKEN CUP Thoughts on depression.
THE GRAND OLD LADY A community treasure burns
A TREE FELL ON THE OLD HOUSE The call I’d always dreaded.
BAREFOOTING A circuit-riding preacher who changed the Pineywoods
BEAUTIFUL HANDS She was a memorable Aunt who charmed everyone who heard her play.
THE CARDINAL AND MR. SMITH Doing what you love
COURAGE UNDER FIRE Some people run from trouble, while others run to it.
EARTHSHINE The wonders of the night sky
EIGHTH OF JANUARY The song behind “The Battle of New Orleans.”
ELMER’S HAND A lesson on generosity
EVERYTHING IS A GOOD LESSON You have no friends. You have no enemies.

You only have teachers.

FALLING OUTS The healing of broken relationships
FRIENDS WHO’LL STAND BY YOU An old friend is the best friend
A HERO NAMED HUGH THOMPSON A big word called Integrity
I AM MY BROTHER’S KEEPER Lessons from an electrical lineman
JAY MILLER’S LAST HUNT Is there such a thing as a “good death?”
JOHN WOODEN’S SOCKS Small, simple things can often be big
KINDNESS: MY FRIEND GREG A friend with a pure heart and a kind soul
KNOW THOSE WHO SERVE YOU The habit of noticing
LLOYD’S TEETH A memorable funeral
LOST AT SEA Ensuring that an M.I.A. is not forgotten
LOVE AND DISCIPLINE The balancing  of parenting
MEASURE TWICE/CUT ONE Be careful with your life-tasks
MRS. TRELVIS’S PRAYER TREE A place and time to be alone with God
RELATIONSHIPS IN THE PINEYWOODS Everything rises and falls on relationships.
SCREEN DOOR LIVING The simple things are often the best
SHAKE LIKE A MAN The art of the manly handshake
THE CLEARCUT The pain of losing your father
THE DEER HUNTER The joy of sharing what we love
HOBYAHS The Pineywoods version of goblins
THE LONGLEAF Legacy of the Big Trees
THE OLD HOUSE IS ALIVE AGAIN A dark house is bathed in light.
THE PINEYWOODS The history of a memorable part of Louisiana
THE RED CEDARS Two stately trees representing family
THE SAD LIFE OF BENJAMIN BERRY A classmate goes to the electric chair.
THE WINDMILL The unique relationship between German POWs and Louisiana farmers during World War II
WHERE EVERYONE IS YOUR UNCLE OR AUNT The joys of growing up in a small community
HAPPY AND SAD Looking back from the desert
A GROUNDED VIEW Having a balanced view of life and death
A LAZY MAN’S LOAD The Joys of Traveling Light
A SOUTHERN NOD Communication in the Pineywoods
CROOKED BAYOU Falling in love again with the creek of my youth
PURPLE MARTINS The rich relationship between the First Americans and an amazing bird.
ALEXANDRIA’S LARGEST BAY GALL The infamous south traffic circle
THE CORNER POST Standing at a boundary post put down over 100 years ago
A DRY CREEK CONSPIRACY Taking care of a widow-woman
BURIED HAMS Coming out of the Great Depression
GROUND TRUTHING Seeing is truly believing.
AN HONEST DAY’S WORK The habit of doing things right
A TRAVELOGUE A road trip through the Pineywoods
CATFISH LIES The truth, the whole truth, and only the truth
BLACKJACKS AND LIZARDS My great-grandmother’s words still echo in my heart.
FINISHING STRONG LTWBTYFI: “Leave this world better than you found it.”
EPILOGUE: WET PAINT No book is truly ever finished.
EPILOGUE: AULD LANG SYNE Drinking a cup of kindness









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