Every Picture Tells A Story: Photos to Remember

Lord, don't let me lose a sense of curiosity.
Lord, don’t let me lose a sense of curiosity.


1. Be Curious

2. Say “Wow!”

3. Tell Stories

Those three things are what I mostly do in Africa.

I’m a storyteller.

It’s what I do.

It’s who I am.

I have a very serious job here in the Chadan cluster.

DeDe and I are focused on our Big Three jobs for this year:

1. Getting God’s Word into the hands, hearts, and ears of the least reached in Chadan. You’re already a part of this through your giving. 

2.  Connecting our church leaders to our two Seminaries in Uganda and Kenya.  You’re also a part of this through your gifts.

3. Exploring the country we are calling “Dido.”  

Curious/Wow/Stories doesn’t interfere with the three God-sized tasks above.  They are intertwined with it.


DeDe and I are “Up Country” for six days in Karomojo Land, Uganda.

Enjoy these photos of life as we see it in Africa.

Saturday   24 January 


Kaabong Sunset, Uganda. This is what we're seeing this weekend.
Kaabong Sunset, Uganda. This is what we’re seeing this weekend.



Calling is such a good and mysterious word.
Calling is such a good and mysterious word.




Maribou Stork nesting in Entebbe (Uganda) tree.
Marabou Stork nesting in Entebbe (Uganda) tree.



I say the Marabou Stork is the world's ugliest bird. Todd B. says the Muscovey Duck is worse. What say you?
I say the Marabou Stork is the world’s ugliest bird. Todd B. says the Muscovey Duck is worse. What say you?



Adam Leach is a member of our team training in Karmojong Land
Adam Leach is a member of our team training in Karmojong Land


The Word

Open Hands Africa: It's all about relationships but isn't that always so?
Open Hands Africa:
It’s all about relationships but isn’t that always so?


Road near East Beauregard School, Louisiana.  Not Africa but never far from my heart.
Road near East Beauregard School, Louisiana. Not Africa but never far from my heart.


Yes,  it’s good to be:



Telling stories.


Our grandson Jack Iles on a Wild Azalea hiking trip. Circa 2011.
Our grandson Jack Iles on a Wild Azalea hiking trip. Circa 2011




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