A word from Curt
We are currently on a trip with our home church (Dry Creek Baptist LA) to their people group, the Kakwa.
We’re posting chapters from our new ebook, Trampled Grass.
If you enjoy the stories, please pass them on.
You can download the entire book at www.creekbank.net.
We’ll be posting about this week’s journey on Facebook/Twitter at #goChadan/#UpCountry
Blessings on your journey.
Curt Iles
Bob and Nancy Calvert pray with Pastor Tolbert at Faith Baptist in Nimule, South Sudan.
Chapter 3 OH, MY SOUL !
Dedication. It’s the right word for a couple who’ve spent twenty-four years of their lives in Africa.
Bob and Nancy Calvert are a unique couple. How else would you describe an Atlanta urbanite married to an Arkansas hillbilly who end up spending their lives in Africa?
Bob and Nancy Calvert have invested their lives in God’s work in East Africa.
Bob has a saying for everything: “Oh, my soul,” “Twist on the pig’s tail” and a thousand more witticisms. Nancy, his wife of over thirty years, is one of the most insightful thinkers I’ve ever known.
– They have faithfully served in Africa since 1992. – Raised four children on the Continent.
– Led thousands of Masai to Christ. – Mentored dozens of missionaries.
– Developed a story cloth (http://historycloth.com/) that helps oral learners understand and share the Gospel.

When DeDe and I arrived in January 2013, the Calverts took us under their wing and became family to us.
Trampled Grass is dedicated to Bob and Nancy Calvert for their faithfulness and perseverance in following God’s call. Thanks for showing us how it’s done.
We encourage you to learn more about how you can use the Story Cloth (http://www.historycloth.com/stories) right where you live.
Special thanks:
– Trampled Grass is possible through the encouragement of the Calvert’s, David and Renee Crane, and Tim and Charlotte Cearly.
– Thanks to Kari Miller for coordinating our ministry from the U.S.
– As always, we depend on the skill of Paul Conant with PWC Editing (http://www.pwc-editing.com).
Many of the touching photos are from the camera of our colleague JoAnn Bradberry.
Anthony Mugisha and Agatha Muhaise of Uganda’s Burt Systems (http://burtsystems.co.ug)have helped make Trampled Grass both attractive and easy to read.