The Week that Was: Photos and Sketches

The Week that Was


"If you want to change your world, pick up a pen." -Martin Luther
“If you want to change your world, pick up a pen.”
-Martin Luther

Be a superhero.  Write. Share. Influence your World.







A word from Curt

Each weekend, I have my weekly review.  It’s an opportunity to look back over the past week. (I split my review from Saturday to Friday). This is also a chance to look ahead to the coming week.  I review the Review/Outlook as a key in the stewardship of my writing and life.

Today, I’m simply sharing (uncensored and uncut) photos and journal entries from last week.

I'm getting into the flow of writing from Alexandria.  I wear this lanyard when I'm officially at work.
I’m getting into the flow of writing from Alexandria. I wear this lanyard when I’m officially at work.









This journal tag is on the current page of our journal.  I highlight sections of the journal that have to do with projects, writing, life long learning/growth, and Influence/Impact.


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This is my current writing manifesto:

1. Be Curious.

2. Be Amazed

3. Tell a Story.

Good stories are all around us.  My job is to catch them and tell them to others.

I often quote Seth Godin on our blog and social media. He has so many great quotes on influence and leadership.
I often quote Seth Godin on our blog and social media. He has so many great quotes on influence and leadership.










I like to write scriptures that grab my heart during morning quiet time.  This verse (Matthew 6:33) is my life verse.   My daily review is about 6 pm. I try to compare my 6+ words to my day.  Abbreviations in left column:


J Walk   My daily walk with Jesus

I  Integrity

I2   Influence and Impact

E!  Encouragement

G  Gratitude

LLL   Life Long Learner

L  Legacy





There's a story hiding in this pecan stump at our new home.  Theme: sometimes things look healthy but the core is rotten.
There’s a story hiding in this pecan stump at our new home. Theme: sometimes things look healthy but the core is rotten.





Even in the midst of sickness (I’m still sick about half the days of the week) I’m working hard to remember that our lives are full of so many privileges.

It’s the difference in saying, “I have to do this”  vs. “I get to do this.”  It goes with my word “Gratitude.”


I'm currently writing a non-fiction book proposal on our journey in Africa.  Its working title is "New Ground."  This is the current outline.  If you'd like to take a look, contact us.
I’m currently writing a non-fiction book proposal on our journey in Africa. Its working title is “New Ground.” This is the current outline. If you’d like to take a look, contact us.





L to R:  Luke, Maggie, Jude, Noah Iles and Daisy Thomas.
L to R: Luke, Maggie, Jude, Noah Iles and Daisy Thomas.







Notes on Spiderman and his pen.

Luke Iles left Spiderman at our house and I’m using him as writing prompt on my drafting table.  Notice wooden t-square behind his pen.  This belonged to my Dad.


"If you want to change your world, pick up a pen." -Martin Luther
“If you want to change your world, pick up a pen.”
-Martin Luther








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