Where are your sacred spaces?

A piney woods walk is always encouraging.
A piney woods walk is always encouraging.

A Word from Curt

I have two questions today:

Where do you go for your lonely place?

Where are your sacred spaces?




I’ve chosen to make the first question singular: where is your lonely place?

In the first chapter of Mark’s Gospel, the writer makes a key statement on the life and ministry of Jesus:

35 And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.Where are your sacred spaces?*

35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. **



Lonely Places where we’re free from the distractions of the world.

I have a friend who took me to her prayer tree. It’d been used by her mother and seventy years later was still a lonely-place-spot.

You’ll enjoy Miss Girlie’s Prayer Tree.

Sometimes, even a noisy place can be a lonely place. Being on a tractor mowing or plowing is always a place away from the world.

It may be a deer stand.

Or a quiet chair in the morning. Just you, the Lord, and a cup of coffee.

I’d love to hear about your lonely place. What makes it special? When do you go to it?

*ESV English Standard Version

**NIV New International Version


Then there’s our Sacred Spaces

I heard this term used in a blog recently: sacred spaces.

The author was referring to how non-church going people still had a need for sacred spaces.

I define a sacred space as a location where I feel close to God.

I don’t apologize that being part of a local church family is part of the equation for me.

Additionally, being involved in a small group Bible study is key for DeDe and me.  We need it.

Finally, having a tight accountability group is part of the sacred spaces formula. Being new in town, I’m working on finding the right time and men for this.  Every man (and woman) needs a close-knit group of three or four friends to be totally honest with.

My sacred spaces include the outdoors.  It’s when I’m out in nature that I feel close to God. Even during the winter, it’s important to be out and about.  Sunrises. Sunsets. Storms. Long Walks. Friendship Fires.  These are all sacred spaces I need to keep my soul healthy.

Soul health.

I call it soul care.

Our sacred spaces and lonely place are integral in nourishing the soul.

Where do you go for your lonely place?

What are your sacred spaces?

If you enjoyed this post, you’ll also enjoy our blog, “Tractor Time.”

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