A story was related to me this week by my friend Jeff James : a local Mennonite farmer talked about the art of plowing a straight row. “You’ve got to have the ‘long-look.'”
The long-look is always the best look in making good decisions.
That’s why I believe so passionately in having a written life plan. It forces a person to look at the “Long-Look.”
How’s your long-look looking?

I spent most of the past week in the woods camping, hiking, canoeing with a wild bunch of country boys. Even in the midst of a hot Louisiana summer, I love the feeling of the outdoor life.
I shared with the boys a wonderful quote from rural writer Wendell Berry: “The Bible was written to be read outdoors.”
Try it. You’ll find it true.

A week in the life

This is earlier this week at Foreman’s in Dry Creek. Can anyone identify the owner?
I still laugh about an intro at a past East Beauregard High Homecoming, “Missy loves talking on the phone, riding her four-wheeler, and muddin’ in her truck.”
I love piney woods history, culture, and people. It’s where I come from.
Mudding or “muddin”