Holding the Rope

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The Old House in Dry Creek.
The Old House in Dry Creek.

A quick note:

Thank you for holding the rope in prayer and encouragement for DeDe and me.

Here are three ways to pray:

1.  Pray for two members of our Chadan team that will go to Chad in August.

2.  Pray for continued healing for Curt.  I’m slowly getting better.

3.  Pray for DeDe.  She has been a stalwart in taking care of me and our adjustment to returning to the U.S.

Our God is faithful.

Our job (and privilege) is simply keeping our eyes on Him.

Pray that I will focus on my 6+ Words to Live By:

1. Gratitude

2. Encouragement

3. Integrity

4.  Influence and Impact

5.  Kingdom 1st

6. Legacy

Short Hand on my 6+ Words.  At the end of each day (my daily review) I ask myself,  "Have I been true to these keywords?"
Short Hand on my 6+ Words. At the end of each day (my daily review) I ask myself, “Have I been true to these keywords?”

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