July 10

Old lumber


Then King Asa brought all the men of Judah, and they carried away from Ramah the stones and timber Baasha had been using. With them he built up Geba and Mizpah. II Chron. 16:6


Old lumber still builds well.

It’s a maxim that any carpenter knows. Just because wood is old doesn’t diminish its value.

Along the creeks and rivers of western Louisiana, there is still a vibrant market on sinker logs. These logs, usually either longleaf pine or cypress, sank during the log floats of the sawmill days of the late 19th/early 20th centuries.

Many had been buried in silt and sand for over a century. However, when pulled up, their wood is still solid and highly prized by builders and craftsmen.

Old lumber still builds well.

Calcasieu River log float  circa 19th century

In our community, two of my heroes, Matt and Dee Farmer, built their home out of sinker lumber. It’s stood the test of time for over half a century.

The Farmer family, who ironically ran a dairy, have set an example of hard work, family, and commitment to their faith in Dry Creek community.

Even as their health has declined and they’ve become more homebound, their influence in the lives of my generation and beyond continues.

Old lumber still builds well.

I love throughout the Bible how God uses simple things… even old things to do His work.

An old shepherd named Moses,

Who held an old wooden staff.

Both were mightily used by God in Egypt and beyond.

A pile of old stones

Marking the spot where Jacob met with God.

Even rough timbers useful only for torture and death.

Became the instrument of life, peace, and forgiveness.

The cross of Jesus.

Our hope of glory and Heaven.

Old lumber still builds well.

Quote:  “So here I am today, eighty-five years old!… now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day.”   -Caleb    in Joshua 14:10, 12

Prayer:    Lord, regardless of our age or value in the eyes of the world, you choose to use us for your glory.  Shape my life for your good purposes.  Help me to see my value in you and you alone.  Amen

Deeper Roots:    Romans 6

One comment

  1. Found you website via Jess from Louisiana. I grew up in a log cabin my grandad built(in Montana) when my dad was 10. I’m going back this week to visit my mom who is still living there and the logs do stand the test of time. I am going to peek through some of your other posts.

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