What I’m about in 2016:
1. Staying Curious.
2. Being Amazed.
3. Telling Stories.
Most Fridays, we’ll be sending out this brief story letter with a simple purpose: pushing all of us to be a LLL.
That’s Life Long Learner.
I’m 60 and have never been more excited about learning new things. To hold myself accountable (and encourage you), I’ll be sharing a weekly quote, an insight on how God is working in my life, what I’m reading/viewing, and links to new stories, blogs, as well as our books.
It’ll also be an opportunity to hear from you. I want to know what’s on your mind, how you’re growing, what your struggles are.
All right. Here we go. Life Long Learners of the World Unite!
I. I have a weekly word to live by.
This week’s word is Pamoja. It’s a Swahili word that denotes teamwork. A reminder that we can always do more when we do it together.
I once saw this quote in a business:
“I have to do this myself, and I cannot do it alone.”
This quote reminds us that our responsibility is to do our best but always rely on others to help complete the task.
My daily job is writing stories. They don’t write themselves. I have to get up, put my seat in the seat, and start pecking.
However, I cannot write and publish a book without a team.
That’s pamoja.
It’s a good word.
My favorite teamwork story is Lifting the Barn. Read the story here or view the unforgettable You Tube video here.
II. What I’m reading.
I’m re-reading Shelby Foote’s The Civil War collection. I’m stunned by Foote’s ability to weave stories and people into his narrative. I’m using Audible/Whisper Sync to read and listen to this massive work.
This is my Kindle reading list:

What’s the best book you’ve read in 2016?
III. The quote that’s shaping my life right now:

Once again, a reminder that we are all Life Long Learners, regardless of how many Super Bowl rings we have.
Visit the Creekbank Quotes Page .
IV. A special scripture in my life:
I’m teaching a college-age Bible study on the book of Acts. Continuing the pamoja/together theme, I’m fascinated with the unity of the early church as found in Acts 2:44: “All the believers were together and had everything in common.”
What book of the Bible are you currently studying?
V. My favorite recent photos

Loblolly Pine adjacent to my Mom’s house. It took a lightning strike last week.

Here are last week’s Creekbank blog posts:
Speaking/Travel this week:
Tuesday, September 27 First Baptist Moss Bluff Sr Adults
Thursday, September 29 First Baptist Lafayette Sr Adults
Saturday, October 1 Alexandria Book Signings at Westside Library and Tamp and Grind.
How you can pray for us:
- Pray for our college Bible study class that God will overcome any generational age gap.
- Pray that DeDe and I will be focused on influencing our nine grandchildren.
- Pray as I minister as chaplain to the men and women at Roy O. Martin’s mills and logging crews.
- Reply to this email with any prayer needs you have.
Readers are enjoying our new book, Trampled Grass. You can easily order your copy here. We’ll send your autographed book with an invoice.
We’d love to hear from you!
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